Peter Strzok Is A Good Reason To Bring Back Public Hanging
BY Herschel Smith
Who is this jerk, I wondered, and how in the hell did he get to be a big shot at the FBI? And why are taxpayers still paying for the privilege of his malignant presence on the FBI payroll?
My answers can be summarized in four names: James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray. They are chief culprits in the death of public trust in the Department of Justice.
The cause of death was murder, and it was an inside job.
Strzok, whose voluminous texts with his office lover show him to be a king of partisan bias, rose to leadership positions under former FBI director Comey — and it shows. Comey’s self-righteousness was his ultimate undoing, but not before he led the agency into a double death grip of corruption and rank partisanship.
I don’t think it’s as clear as blaming the FBI on folks like Strzok, or blaming Strzok for following the lead of his mentors. The FBI is wicked, and wicked people gravitate to it. It’s a symbiotic relationship – the FedGov is an organism, not an organization.
But Strzok is an especially bad case, yes? He is an emasculated male who hates himself and everyone around him. Take a look at this brief video of his reactions during the hearing. I didn’t see the hearing because I don’t watch TV. It holds no interest for me.
No man acts like that, not around other people, and not when he is alone. He’s the FBI equivalent of a high school mean girl who hates the other clique and shows them with his facial features. He’s a drama-queen. And yet, he has immense power.
He is a good example of why we need to bring back public hanging. He attempted to use his regulatory influence and powers to obviate the duly constituted processes of our republic as conceived by our founders. He is a traitor.
School children need to see what we do with traitors. He should be publicly hanged, with school let out early for all the children to watch. It would be good and healthy for America.
On July 16, 2018 at 2:27 am, DAN III said:
Hang Strzok ? Certainly. But, let’s make it a necktie party starting with Hillary Clinton. Then Do-Nothing Sessions along with Comey, Rosenstein and Wray.
Whew ! My list of usurping, treasonous swine is lengthy. The above would be just for starters, eh ?
On July 16, 2018 at 2:29 am, Nosmo said:
I’ll concur with your disdain for television, it’s where otherwise useful electrons go to die.
That said, it has been advantageous to the hearings being televised; those whom Limbaugh terms ‘low information voters” have no idea any of this has been going on, but to those who have been paying attention the names “Strzok” and “Page” are just that – names, no different from the list of names in the credits of any movie.
Now, however, thanks to trillions of electrons willing to sacrifice themselves, many of them on YouTube, lots of people are now very aware of just how despicable, corrupt and in need of massive purging federal law enforcement is, and by extension, a huge part of the entire federal government.
The late Newton Minnow’s punctilious comment aside, there is some value to a few things being televised.
On July 16, 2018 at 7:40 am, Fred said:
I guess the dot guv has come to be like the mob of old. There are made men (and hillery) who can’t be touched. The constitution is void, the republic is gone. Proceed accordingly. And yes, hanged from the neck until dead, every last one.
On July 16, 2018 at 8:20 am, dad29 said:
Nosmo makes an excellent point: seeing that performance is a useful physic for otherwise-disengaged citizens.
Larger point: I think you missed someone in your roster of despicables: Robert Mueller. Mueller ran the FBI for TWELVE YEARS before Comey took over–so that nest of vipers is largely the product of Mueller’s management.
Of course, Eric Holder ran DoJ, arguably making that bunch even worse than it was after Bush, but you get the idea.
On July 16, 2018 at 12:36 pm, Gryphon said:
Another ‘protection’ this Traitorous Worm has is “Senior Executive Service” status, the Uppermost form of (Mis)management in the Bureaucracy… Department Heads like Comey or Sessions can be ‘Fired’by the President but the SES (a designation created by Con-gress just for the protection of the ‘deep state’ is Immune from Firing in the ordinary manner. were he to be “Trumped”, he would have the Courts and Con-gress behind him, Screaming “Political Interference” with the bureaucracy.
Anyone who has Watched the Vid of this Smirking piece of San Fran(shitsco) Sidewalk Vagrant Excrement, and Does Not Understand that these Traitors need to go to the Woodchipper with about the same ‘due process’ as a French Republic Court, is Also a part of the Problem.
On July 16, 2018 at 4:45 pm, Tojo said:
The FBI has always been infested with criminals. Suspects were dying while trying to escape back in the 20’s. What about Ruby Ridge and Waco? Little Hoover wasn’t running around in his tutu installing all those illegal wiretaps by himself.
On July 16, 2018 at 4:56 pm, John said:
I’ve seen faces like his in pictures from WW II.
They were of SS officers and Gestapo agents looking at
the untermenschen (subhumans) lined up for liquidation.
On August 14, 2018 at 11:02 am, eva said:
I guess free speech is only for people who agree with your opinion… also didn’t we al agree that hanging someone because of their opinion (or color) was wrong. maybe you need to go back to high school to learn about our history
On August 14, 2018 at 1:31 pm, Herschel Smith said:
So Eva, the issue here isn’t whether I disagree with Mr. Strzok. That’s not relevant for anything.
The issue was whether he abused his office to undermine the duly constituted processes and procedures crafted by our founders. He did, and that much is clear.
He is a traitor.