BY Herschel Smith
Remember I said this?
Now. Go back, re-engineer it for the 5.7X28, knock $400 off the price, and you may have something there.
Well, they’re too late. CMMG has now come out with one of their AR pistols in 5.7X28, using the radial delayed blowback system. It’s a little more pricey than I would like, but their products are very good.
Readers know I have an FN5.7 and like it. I like the 5.7X28 round, for certain applications and under certain conditions. I also like the idea of minimizing calibers in your gun safe, meaning having pistols and PDW of the same caliber.
This meets that criteria. CMMG is doing some magnificent R&D work. In order to hire the best engineers and mechanics you have to pay them well. But they have to make that money back somehow.
On July 26, 2018 at 7:01 am, DAN III said:
Mr. Smith,
Part of a company being good is how well they stand behind their product after the sale.
I had an issue with CMMG, 300 BLK upper. Contacted CMMG….they emailed me a FEDEX call tag to return the upper. Ten days later my upper returned with a new barrel !
I will always look at CMMG products with anticipation and trust.
One gets what one pays for.
On July 26, 2018 at 3:28 pm, Pat Hines said:
Interesting weapon. I didn’t see the source of additional magazines on CMMG’s site, where does one buy them?
On July 26, 2018 at 3:52 pm, Herschel Smith said:
For the 20-rnd mag you get those through FN. There’s an aftermarket 30-rnd mag through Gunmagwarehouse and other places. Maybe Bud’s, or CTD. I don’t know what CMMG sends with the gun. Probably one 20-rnd mag if I had to guess.
On July 28, 2018 at 2:29 pm, =TW= said:
I see the value of a PDW sharing ammo with a sidearm. I am particularly fond of my ’94 Trapper in .357. A PCC makes good sense, significantly increasing the effective range of a pistol cartridge.
I remain skeptical of the FN 5.7 and the similar .22 TCM. In a PDW they may offer some advantages over, say, a 9mm. These might be offset by increased muzzle blast in the pistol. The lightweight, high velocity bullet would not be my first choice in a sidearm.
But I gotta say that Banshee looks like a ton of fun!