Chicago Police Department Officers Raid Wrong Home
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 5 months ago
Guns were drawn, even on small children, when Chicago officers raided a family’s home. Dave Savini is investigating why this happened and how this family will never be the same.
“One guy said you better shut the F up if you know any better,” said Peter Mendez.
Peter was 9 when the trauma began. It was dinner time when Chicago police busted his front door open, invading his family’s home.
“Assault rifles, maybe like a few pistols,” Peter recalled.
His little brother Jack was by his side that night shaking with fear. Savini also spoke with Jack.
Savini: “They pointed a gun at your Dad and your Mom?”
Jack: “Yeah”
Savini: “and then did they point a gun at your brother?”
Jack nodded yes.
Savini: “What was it like when that gun was pointed at you?”
Peter: “It was like my life just flashed before my eyes.”Mom and Dad say cops screamed profanities at the family as they tore the house apart and ordered them all to the floor at gunpoint.
Savini: “You never thought a police officer would do that to you?”
Peter: “No.”“I could hear my babies screaming, ‘Don’t shoot my Dad. Don’t kill my Dad. Leave my Dad alone. What did my Dad do?’” said Peter’s father, Gilbert Mendez.
Peter’s dad Gilbert Mendez says his family did nothing wrong and what’s even worse the police had no right to even be there because they were raiding the wrong home and now the Mendez’s say police are trying to cover it up.
The CBS 2 investigators found officers from the 11th district used a search warrant filled with mistakes, even the judge’s printed name as required by police order is missing.
In fact, police tell CBS2 they don’t even have their own copy of the warrant or any record the warrant even exists.
I guess it got their rocks off to point guns at little kids. And the imperative ” … you better shut the F up if you know any better” makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. What is that – gibberish or “Pig Latin”?
The worst thing of all is that no cops got shot. Cops getting shot pulling idiotic stunts like this might bring an end to violations of the fourth amendment to the constitution.
On August 14, 2018 at 11:56 pm, TheAlaskan said:
Harden your homes. Make it deadly for unauthorized entry. Protect yours. God approves.
On August 15, 2018 at 7:02 am, Mark Matis said:
So you’re going to WAIT for them to show up, The Alaskan? Sounds like a great idea. I’m sure you’ll be ready when they roll out of their MRAP at 2 AM, wearing Level IV body armor, carrying full auto weapons, and firing tear gas canisters and flash bangs through your windows. Just make sure none of your kids are sleeping in a crib where one of those flash bangs might land.
On August 15, 2018 at 7:19 am, ragman said:
It appears that the descent into a police state is accelerating. A good start would be to fire everyone involved in this incident and no chance for a pension. Then start up the chain of command, fire and imprison all supervisors responsible for this atrocity. Will this happen? Of course not! I was watching local news in South FL the other day and our swat heroes were shown arriving at a location to do something to some lucky guy/gal. The RV they arrived in and their costumes were right out of Afghanistan. The cops think they are Special Forces and Americans are the enemy. This attitude definitely contributed to the unfortunate event in Chicagostan. Only the grace of God prevented these Citizens from being killed.
On August 15, 2018 at 8:50 am, Ned said:
Oh c’mon, fellas – this was just “a few bad apples” don’t cha know…
On August 15, 2018 at 8:52 am, Fred said:
And now these children know who their masters are.
On August 15, 2018 at 9:33 am, Longbow said:
If it was the Cops what dunnit, it was the right thing to do. Because it was the Cops what dunnit!
You “civilians” need to learn yer place.
Hell, why didn’t they just submit and comply?
Submit! Submit! Its what Free Men do!
Besides, the cops will investigate the cops and eventually find the cops did no wrong… according to the cops. So there!
On August 15, 2018 at 10:01 am, revjen45 said:
Don’t be too hard on the pigs. After all, the applicants who could read and write were weeded out at the start so how are they supposed to find the right address?
” The cops think they are Special Forces and Americans are the enemy.”
I once had an incident involving the neighbor’s dog, and said neighbor called the Kripos. The dogcatcher was chosen to handle this, thank God (incompetence will out). He was decked out in full SWAT battle rattle – bat belt, ASP, pepper spray, sidearm & lotsa magazines, etc. Just shows how they see themselves when Animal Control in a rural county looks ready to roll in The Sandbox. Oh, and he didn’t have to find my house – I was in the same classes the local community college so locating me was easy.
On August 15, 2018 at 12:04 pm, Mark Matis said:
Actually, the ones consistently selected to work in “Law Enforcement” are Rove Republicans, and have all the character traits associated with same:
No morals.
No principles.
No scruples.
No honor.
They will do WHATEVER they are told, as long as the paycheck keeps comin’ in. Your betters are not about to give pig toys to anyone who might conceivably use same against them. Which is why there are effectively none of Barry Sotero’s “gun-hugging, Bible-thumping veterans who believe in the Constitution” in any “Law Enforcement” organization.
And I would hope you understand by now that the “Law Enforcement” Rules of Engagement in CONUS are significantly LESS restrictive than those imposed on the US military in The Sandbox.
On August 15, 2018 at 12:57 pm, Gryphon said:
Thugpigs gonna’ Thug… Eventually, there will be the “Incident” where the ‘swat team’ takes Fire from the Rear, and the ‘Raid’ goes to Hel in a Handbasket.
Or one of the Victims of such ‘mistakes’ goes out Pig-Hunting…
On August 15, 2018 at 1:41 pm, Will said:
The jihadis in New Mexico had an escape tunnel leading out about 50 yards from the middle of their garbage pile of tires and tarps. So there is that.
On August 15, 2018 at 2:02 pm, Herschel Smith said:
The head honcho of this excrement was son of an unindicted co-conspirator to the WTC bombing. Close the borders and evict jihadists.
Problem solved.
On August 15, 2018 at 2:24 pm, Donk said:
@Herschel, who happens to be one of Linda Sarsour’s mentors. Which reminds me, where did I put my p***yhat?
On August 15, 2018 at 3:05 pm, Gryphon said:
And if that ‘compound’ of musloids had been christians, they would have Burned them Out like Waco.
On August 15, 2018 at 5:12 pm, Pat Hines said:
At the risk of another visit by the FBI, my only comment is that Hershel is correct. An immediate intervention is the answer.
A harsh intervention.
On August 15, 2018 at 6:57 pm, J said:
Dumb Ass’s or Psychopaths…
I know what I see when I train some of these types