Tolerating Republican Betrayal On Guns
BY Herschel Smith
“But if you don’t vote for them a Democrat will win, and they’ll be even worse!” we are warned. Hey, we wouldn’t be in this mess if people would have insisted on principles from the very beginning. And now we’re expected to believe our only way out is to continue enabling the enemies inside the gates?
Make sure to read the comments he’s getting too. I wouldn’t say, with David, that these commenters are reading-challenged. I’d say they’re idiots. They are comprehension-challenged.
Voting for the lesser of two evils, rather than insisting on principles, has gotten us where we are today.
On February 18, 2019 at 7:53 pm, Gryphon said:
Not to be TOO Cynical here, where has the “Voting for the lesser of two Evils” gotten us? I’m almost ready to agree with those who say it would have been “Better” if Klinton had Won the Election, for we surely would be dealing with the (((bolsheviks))) Full-On Gun Prohibition/Confiscation efforts, In the Streets, instead of the widespread, growing “Local, Local, Local” incrementalism of these Legal Infringements.
The politicians and their (((owners))) are being very Careful not to “Trigger” the Nuclear Option of the Second Amendment, and I think it’s Time to let them Have what they Want, Good and hard.
Kamala Harris/Bigfoot Obamao 2020!
On February 18, 2019 at 9:30 pm, Saint Mike said:
DJT will be a one term president, bumpstocks.
On February 18, 2019 at 10:55 pm, 2ABill said:
You have it wrong. Voting allows the citizen to choose between the lesser of two WEASELS…
Always remember that the word “politics” derives from two Greek root words:
Poli, meaning many and
Ticks, meaning blood-sucking vermin.
On February 19, 2019 at 10:10 am, Frank Clarke said:
I’m merely surprised that so many people choose the lesser of two evils and then act all surprised that they get evil! Omigosh, however did THAT happen??
Whether it would have been better that the Hildabeast won in 2016 or not, it is an easy prediction that one day in the near future, THEY (you know… them…) will have enough political clout to pound us good and hard where they think we need it.
At that point, either there will be a new civil war or there will not. Whichever, it will be what we deserve.