From New Zealand: “Like A Ferrari, You Don’t Need Those Weapons Of War”
BY Herschel Smith
“I don’t think we need military-style weapons in our society. I definitely don’t need them in my job,” he says. “It’s like driving around in a Ferrari, you don’t need it.”
Yea, you’d better check that nice bolt action long gun you’re sporting, boy. For military snipers the world over, that’s a military gun. It’s used differently than the AR-15 which is for CQB. That’s a stand-off weapon.
Sooner or later, the government won’t allow you to have it. Say, right about the time somebody sits in a tower or tall building or the bush somewhere and shoots enough humans to cause emotional outrage.
When you let the government go after other people because you aren’t affected, not only is that selfish and cowardly, it’s bad strategy.
On April 4, 2019 at 8:00 am, Fred said:
Yes, let’s allow the State to determine need. What could possibly go wrong? Communists and Nazis are retarded.
On April 4, 2019 at 9:26 am, Furminator said:
Kinda like you don’t need a high-powered hunting rifle to take a 50 meter head shot on a placid domesticated bovine that’s grazing in a pasture.
On April 4, 2019 at 9:29 am, Mad Mick said:
Yup…because no one would use high power/velocity hunting rifles, usually chambered for .30cal or larger, on any population…nah…
As a side note, Wisconsin sold approx 774,332 deer licenses in 2018, making them the 6th largest army in the world…
Right behind Russia:
These folks went out with the intention of shooting a large game animal that can weigh as much or more in most cases, than a soldier, and be able to take it out from hundreds of yards away, usually with one shot…
Yup….those pesky little poodle poppers got nothing on a full sized cartridge round…..
Never give up the firearms and buy more ammo now, while one can…
ps..C Hathcock seemed to do ok with a Winchester Model 70 .30-06 caliber rifle with the standard 8-power Unertl scope…
On April 4, 2019 at 9:40 am, Frank Clarke said:
@Mad Mick: Yup. ‘Annoyance’ is being replaced by ‘grudging admiration’ at the progressive left’s impressive capacity for self-delusion when they suggest the American gun culture can be cured by simply disarming everyone.
On April 4, 2019 at 10:56 am, Liberty4Ever said:
It’s a tautology to say that America will never be disarmed, because once disarmed, it won’t be America anymore. Governments always seek to disarm their subjects and they relentlessly pursue this goal. Every loss of freedom is permanent. Every victory to restore a modicum of freedom is small and fleeting. We’re approximately halfway there already and based on history, that last 50% happens very quickly.
They knock when they come to take your guns. After that, they never bother knocking because they own you, your home and your family.
On April 4, 2019 at 11:51 am, X said:
If WE “don’t need weapons of war” …then why do the COPS suddenly “need” them???
When did the cops become soldiers? Who are the cops at “war” with?
On April 4, 2019 at 11:53 am, SAM said:
So they now have a ban on Ferrari’s.
Why not? If it’s the same.
Would it be some thing to do with people with money and power having Ferrari’s?
On April 4, 2019 at 1:17 pm, Bram said:
or …right about the time somebody starts picking off cops doing gun seizures from 200 yards.
On April 4, 2019 at 1:24 pm, Jim said:
Charles Whitman and Lee Harvey Oswald both used bolt action rifles, and shot from a distance. So did the DC Sniper. No amount of control will deter a motivated individual.
On April 4, 2019 at 2:02 pm, Jimmy the Saint said:
“Sooner or later, the government won’t allow you to have it. Say, right about the time somebody sits in a tower or tall building or the bush somewhere and shoots enough humans to cause emotional outrage.”
Seems like bolt-actions would have been banned on 11/22/63 or shortly thereafter, then. Certainly by no later than a few days after 8/1/66.
On April 4, 2019 at 2:33 pm, JoeFour said:
I often wonder if these quotes that begin with “no one needs a [insert gun of the moment]” aren’t totally fabricated by the pro-gun control, deep-state media outlets concerned … they seem to pop up with uncanny regularity!
On April 6, 2019 at 3:14 am, Dan said:
They are coming for ALL of the guns……they have openly stated this in the past. FineSwine specifically. They just aren’t willing to pay the price
for a total ban and grab so right now they are continuing the incremental
attack on rights. But make NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. The commie demonrats in office, the media and academia want POWER. TOTAL and COMPLETE POWER. That requires that their intended slaves be TOTALLY disarmed. And since they have zero intentions on coexisting with conservative Americans there is in reality only one option. Kill or be killed.
You only have the rights you are willing to fight for, die for and KILL for.
Otherwise they are not rights….they are privileges to be granted or withdrawn on a whim…..THEIR whim.