It Begins: The Police Start To Bully Gun Owners In New Zealand
BY Herschel Smith
From reddit/firearms:
One never knows exactly what to think of some of the sources on reddit, this may be legitimate and it may not be. But the weight of evidence is on the side of legitimacy. Gateway Pundit has this.
Now that police in New Zealand are going door-to-door to confiscate firearms, which involves bird-dogging people at work and monitoring their online activity, one man who has gotten caught up in the covfefe was recently stripped of his airsoft BB guns and his crossbow.
Here’s the letter.
I, Inspector Olaf Karl Jensen, a Commissioned Officer of Police, hereby give notice that in my opinion you are not a fit and proper person to be in possession of an airgun or an antique firearm. Police are currently holding the following described airguns
1x Ruger Blackhawk .177 calibre Air rifle
1x Hatsun Striker .177 calibre Air Rifle
You may within three months after the date of this Notice or such longer period as the Commissioner of Police may allow, sell or otherwise dispose of any airgun or antique firearm owned by you to a person approved for this purpose by a member of the Police.
Failing that, all airguns or antique firearms delivered to a member of the Police may be detained for such a period as the Commissioner of Police thinks fit, or may, in the discretion of the Minister of Police, become the property of the Crown, free and discharged from all right, title or interest possess in respect thereof by any person.
You may by way of origination application, appeal to a District Court Judge against this Notice. (Section 62, Arms Act 1983 refers).
My reason for this decision is as follows;
1. I do not believe you to be a fit and proper person to be in possession of an airgun.
2. Police hold serious concerns regarding your mental and emotional wellbeing.
Should you wish me to review my decision or you dispute the facts you may make written submissions or arrange an appointment with me within two weeks of the date of this notice.
Any submissions you do make must be accompanied by a letter from a medical practitioner attesting to your mental and emotional wellbeing at this time.
His next related post to Facebook reads thusly.
The police reasoning (over the phone) for taking my airguns is that I’m a “right wing white supremacist”
When asked further, they said it’s because I’ve been on the record supporting US President Donald Trump.
You can’t freely support the US President in New Zealand without facing persecution.
Here is the states there’s that pesky second amendment thing. The elitists are doing their dead level best to get around that with red flag laws (so-called extreme risk protection orders). When Ms. Lindsey Graham and the democrats get finished with a federal red flag law, Trump will sign it.
And then Trump owns it – that and the bump stock ban. It defines who he is, and who he will ever be. As for Ms. Graham, the stupid voters of South Carolina will put him in office for yet another six year term.
On April 9, 2019 at 1:42 am, Dan said:
This is happening in KiwiLand for a fundamental reason. The people of New Zealand are NOT “Citizens”. They are SUBJECTS. They are PROPERTY OF THE CROWN and as such have no RIGHTS. They only have the Privileges their Lords and Masters choose to grant to them….and only until said Privileges are revoked. New Zealand….like Britain, Canada, Australia and the rest of the Commonwealth is lost.
In America we at least have the Bill Of Rights. A purported restraint
that prevents our government from doing such things. Of course in
reality more often than not our “lords and masters” ignore those rights
and DO WHAT THEY WANT and then bleat “take it to court”…..knowing
full well they have infested the judiciary with traitors and commies who
quite willingly rubberstamp their abuses of power and willful infringement of rights.
The sad fact is that NOBODY has ANY Rights unless they are willing to
Fight for them, Die for them and KILL FOR THEM. And until a lot of people in power are killed for abusing our rights and their authority it isn’t going to end.
On April 9, 2019 at 8:32 am, Matt Bracken said:
Bracken: Switzerland, America and New Zealand – The Kiwi is Low-Hanging Fruit
This is how a nation run by leftist SJWs weakens itself even further. Anytime they want it (during a period of global conflict) the Chinese can conquer NZ with two RO/RO ships loaded with APCs.
On April 9, 2019 at 11:29 am, Bernie said:
And America’s left wing loons thought American Patriots would register their arms. Not gonna happen, why? Because of this …
On April 9, 2019 at 1:13 pm, Ned2 said:
There are some lessons to be learned here, particularly from the wording of confiscation notices and other interactions with authorities.
As in the UK, the subjects have been conditioned to obey. Not so here (yet).
In the US, when they start trying these tactics in earnest, if they can get over the massive non compliance problem, we will start seeing cops getting shot.
I know LEO’s that will simply call in sick that day.
When this erupts into a shooting war, John Q. Public has the upper hand, and he will win.
On April 9, 2019 at 1:24 pm, revjen45 said:
So do what the Koran advises when your views are dangerous: employ Taqqiyah and lie about it. Tell the pigs you love the 3rd world Uentermenschen, and you think all of Somalia should move to NZ and live with you.
It’s a bad idea to let them know who the resistance is before the balloon goes up.
On April 9, 2019 at 9:11 pm, Badger said:
Thought police – Oceania is dead.
On April 10, 2019 at 2:05 am, Fergus said:
Strange how the police in some countries are eager to play the Staszi role to the hilt. While it might occur in some areas of the US, I doubt the majority of such police departments would embrace such policies with such joy. It is also revealing how free countries like New Zealand are.
As for me, lead and silver are wonderful investments.
On April 11, 2019 at 9:14 pm, Jay said:
Meanwhile – Behind the curtain: New Scientist 6 April 2019 – People need FORCING to become greener. Politicians will have to consider MAKING people eat less meat and fly [travel] less, because individuals won’t voluntarily change their lifestyles enough to deliver their “fair share” of carbon emission cuts. Only 4% of households would voluntarily give up their car. The result suggests strict government policy is needed to deal with cars, planes and meat-eating … all fervent wishes of the NZ Green coalition ‘partner’ …. as revealed several years ago by a former Party member ….