Kurt Schlichter On Trump On Guns
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 5 months ago
Donald Trump is a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them. Like all of us, he is understandably horrified by the murder sprees of that progressive environmental eugenics weirdo and that member of Big Chief Warren’s tribe.* But Trump is also keenly aware that any betrayal of his supporters on a literally life or death issue like guns – if you’ve been listening to the left you have a good idea what miserable fate awaits you if you get disarmed and they take power – will result in his wholesale abandonment by his supporters. No, his base probably won’t go vote for the furry, or Doxxy Castro’s brother, or Gaffe-y McOldenheimer. His base will just stay home. Trump will lose, the GOP will lose the Senate, and the left will take over. And bad things will happen to the liberal elite’s enemies, not least of all to Trump and his family.
Trump understands this. And he understands that the media is trying to get him to alienate his own supporters. But so far, he has never stuck us in the back even after the garbage media eagerly reports on his conciliatory talk on subjects near and dear to us in the hopes that it means a betrayal is incoming. It never has been in the past. There’s no reason to believe he would sell us out now.
I hate to break it to you Kurt, but it’s already happened. It’s a done deal. It’s past tense. From the gun rights blogs (like this one), to the folks at reddit/firearms, to one diehard Trump supporter I dined with a few days ago, every single gun owner I know now considers Trump an enemy of gun owners. Every … single … one. I don’t know any more Trump defenders among gun owners. He has succeeded in alienating his base.
And it’s because he already did undercut his base. Consider: bump stock ban, where he singlehandedly created felons out of 550,000 bump stock owners, support for red flag confiscatory laws, statement opposing the sensible use of suppressors for hearing conservation, and appointment of the former head of the Fraternal Order of Police to head the ATF (who by the way, supported the AWB). And if reports are accurate, he’s not finished yet. Give him time.
Get into the game, Kurt. You’re two years behind the times.
On August 15, 2019 at 5:10 pm, Fred said:
“And bad things will happen to the liberal elite’s enemies, not least of all to Trump and his family.”
Trump broke his oath. All that happens to him at the hands of his own, the pagan Left, is on his head.
On August 19, 2019 at 6:45 pm, Grandpa said:
I also have had several discussions with those in my tribal group. All will not comply with any of this gun grabbing stupidity. And that’s what it is, stupidity. Any adult who has grown up in this country knows without a shred of doubt, the folks in this country who own firearms aren’t going to give them up, period full stop. It isn’t ‘crazy talk’; it is simply truth. And before some of you ‘rational’ thinkers want to spark conversation with “no one is doing anything” (yet) – let me share with you what else I’ve heard. Let me give you some back story…. many of these guys attend church with me. They have jobs or careers, family and responsibilities, love what this country used to be and hate where it is now. And they are angry. Not just at Trump, but all TPTB – from local, local, local right on up to fedgov.
And we know what will happen. Don’t know when, but it will. And they own guns and believe in their natural God-given right to defend kith and kin. And, to a man; we know that to resist the coming tyranny; and put an end to it; they will employ their firearms to do what the framers intended with the 2nd Amendment. And that is to kill those who intend us harm. That’s why it hasn’t happened – they sincerely do not desire what they are being pushed into doing by the left. They do not want any harm or hurt to befall their families. But they also know that their enemy on the left won’t stop – in their ignorance – until the fight starts. (The left will quickly find it wasn’t what they wanted…or imagined)
When the fight starts, we will have to kill them. The left for some reason imagines a benign response, a “go along to get along” scenario. Not going to happen. The antifa goons, the ‘army’ of minorities, and those who hate the right, the white, Christians, males, and heteros – will stand up to be counted. And when they do, they will all be killed. Sorry, that’s what war is. No one – even the left – will surrender. Thus, being that the only way out is through; here we soon go.