Mike DeWine On Gun Control
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 3 months ago
“Principled Statesman Mike DeWine Endorsed by Brady Campaign,” the headline read.
“While many politicians pander to ideologically out of touch special interests, Mike DeWine does the hard work on bread and butter issues and defends the rights of the majority,” the flack piece continued. “DeWine was a leader in the fight against legislation that called for special rights for gun dealers and manufacturers facing gun violence victims trying to hold them accountable for negligence.”
There. That’s everything you need to know. David sums it up nicely – but do go visit and read his full piece.
On October 21, 2019 at 2:01 pm, ExpatNJ said:
Any government official who hates The 2A, hates The People, and will work against them and their rights at every opportunity. Those officials only defend Tyranny.
DeWine is such a Tyrant. His evil extends far beyond 2A issues, and can be seen in his briefs as AG in OH state cases against drivers, as chronicled by driving-rights’ advocacy groups like the National Motorists Association*:
(* Full disclosure: I have no fiduciary relationship with NMA).
On October 24, 2019 at 6:14 am, Todd said:
Defend the right of the majority? so, opinions over laws? At least we know where this principled slave master in waiting stands.