Which City gets the Money?
BY Herschel Smith
There has been quite a lot of teeth-gnashing over the distribution of anti-terror funds. While there is much to be critical of regarding the bumbling, inept Department of Homeland Security, those who are criticizing the distribution of funds should think carefully before they speak. A FNC analyst late p.m. on June 2 (Bernard Kerik, as if he has no “dog in this fight”) criticized funding for Charlotte, N.C., who hasn’t the landmark buildings that NYC does (perhaps Kerik thinks that skyline is the only important thing?).
Well, Bernard should go back to school on this one. Right as 9/11 was occurring, calls came immediately from NYC to Charlotte to make sure that the banks got the data and information downloads that needed to be sent from the WTC (I know this from personal conversations with a trading floor representative from one of the banks). Charlotte banks were asked what they could do to help with the NYSE, and the answer was given, “We can run it tomorrow!”
The first and fourth largest banks in the nation are located in Charlotte, controlling some 1.7 trillion dollars in assets. See here for source. We all might find much to moan and roll our eyes at with the DHS (such as the unbelievably stupid DPW port deal), but regarding the redistribution of federal funds to cities that are not as well-prepared as NYC, they might have gotten this one right.
Calling Bernard Kerik: Rather than emote and gush on national television, wouldn’t it be better to analyze? Calling FNC: Why don’t you get better analysts?
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