Are The Arizona Republic Editors Wife-Beaters?
BY Herschel Smith18 years, 7 months ago
Are the editors at the Arizona Republic wife-beaters? Do they also engage in sedition, extortion, drug-trafficking and and felony robbery? But pehaps this post is merely humor masking as serious journalism. And perhaps the ridiculous cartoon below is a lie based on innuendo and without any substantive support in fact.
Here at the Captain’s Journal, we may be a small blog, and we may not spell words correctly from time-to-time, and we may be charged with being jingoistic, but at least we are not liars.
On June 13, 2006 at 10:30 am, absentee said:
“we may not spell words correctly from time-to-time”
I think you mean you may spell words incorectly from time-to-time. I’m pretty sure you spell words correctly from time-to-time.
I love your post title, and the opening questions remain, in my opinion, unanswered. I suggest an investigation but, in the meantime, clearly we must conclude the answer to both is YES!
I’d add in a few other things they are, but I’m not sure what your family-friendly rating is around here.