Letter to the New York Times
BY Herschel Smith18 years, 7 months ago
Attention: Benedict Arnold
You have recently made public information about a highly successful and until now secure government program to track finances in order to track terrorists. This is what I would like you to plan on doing now.
Remember 9/11? Well, when Al Qaida succeeds in destroying several subway cars, or manages to contaminate the drinking water supplies for New York City (and beyond), or takes out several more buildings, or guns down hundreds at the corner of Broadway and Fifth, or any other of the many deadly things that they could perpetrate on your beloved city …
I want you to go down to the scene of the disaster, help the victims, and keep saying this to yourself: “Public interest … public interest … this was all necessary because of public interest.” I want you to attend the funerals of each and every victim, and sit and give the compelling argument to the families of each and every victim that this was necessary due to “public interest.” Then when you stand before God to answer for all of your actions, I want you to discuss the “public interest” with Him.
Oh. Let me know how it all goes. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.
Herschel Smith
On June 26, 2006 at 11:15 am, Joe Wierzbicki said:
I really appreciated your letter to the New York Times.
I am so disgusted to see how aggressively the anti-war contingent in this country has tried to undermine not just the war in Iraq (which they say isn’t about fighting terrorism) but also the greater war on terrorism.
These folks in the media and the anti-war movement are our own domestic form of insurgency.
I work with a group, Move America Forward, that has decided the best thing to do is not to get too stressed by the antics of the anti-war Left, but instead to just speak directly to the American people about what’s REALLY going on, and the fact that that includes some GOOD service by our troops in the Middle East.