Immigration and Votes: Counting the Numbers
BY Herschel Smith18 years, 6 months ago
Byron York has this rundown of a recent Gallup Poll:
Gallup has released its yearly racial breakdown on George W. Bush’s job approval rating. (Getting such a breakdown requires a larger polling sample than Gallup’s ordinary surveys.) The poll shows in the last two years, Bush’s ratings have remained virtually unchanged among blacks and Hispanics; it is among non-Hispanic whites that the president’s ratings have fallen significantly.
Non-Hispanic Whites Approve Disapprove
June 8-25, 2006 42 53
June 6-25, 2005 47 48
June 9-30, 2004 61 38Blacks
June 8-25, 2006 15 78
June 6-25, 2005 16 77
June 9-30, 2004 16 79Hispanics
June 8-25, 2006 38 53
June 6-25, 2005 41 49
June 9-30, 2004 40 52The numbers suggest that Bush’s ratings among blacks and Hispanics fell to the floor between June 2003 and June 2004. Among blacks, Bush fell from 32 percent approval in June 2003 to 16 percent in June 2004. Among Hispanics, Bush fell from 67 percent approval to 40 percent in the same period. (Among non-Hispanic whites, Bush fell from 69 percent to 61 percent in that time frame.)
Apparently, the gushing that Bush has done over Hispanics had no effect and is having no effect. The GOP does not have the Hispanic heart. It is because, as I have tried to point out in the past, the Hispanic is coming to the U.S. with a completely different political paradigm. They are socialist in world view, and they do not relinquish that world view just because they are in the U.S.
However, as I also pointed out, the GOP could very well lose the GOP base over the immigration issue, thereby ensuring its own death. The votes are not there. They never were, and every word spent on pushing this loser immigration policy is another nail in the coffin of the GOP.
Michelle Malkin has a link to a Washington Times article about the overstatement of the worth of the alleged Hispanic vote, and Michelle observes that this romantic pursuit of the Hispanic vote is “quixotic.” Quixotic indeed. Will the GOP leadership see it in time?
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