Let’s Play ‘What’s Wrong with this Picture?’
BY Herschel Smith
I have said before that I do not know, but suspect what happened in Haditha (the Marines engaged in a fire fight and employed approved and necessary room-clearing tactics designed to save Marine lives). I will wait until the evidence is in. And it better be conclusive! But until it comes in, let’s play ‘What’s wrong with this picture?’
It comes from MSNBC.com, and its caption reads:
This image purportedly shows a room where some of the Haditha civilians died. A lawyer representing several of the families of victims provided the photo to media (bold mine).
At least they had the foresight to say “purportedly.” Take a hard look at the alleged blood splatter pattern. No, the one up above the bed head board and adjacent to the top of the window. If I am not mistaken, this is remarkably consistent with someone jumping up in the air four feet and being shot at the apex of his ascent. Note the fact that the report claims that the occupants of the room were not killed by a fragmentation grenade, but by gun shots.
So we’re back to that person jumping up in the air four feet.

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