Extremists Zarqawi and Barbara Boxer
BY Herschel Smith18 years, 6 months ago
Here is Zarqawi from the CENTCOM web site (page “What Extremists are Saying“):
“”Why do not you tell them that your soldiers cannot sleep without taking drugs and hallucination pills …
Barbara Boxer, as shown and discussed on The Factor with Bill O’Reilly, July 10, 2006:
“Our soldiers are having to take anti-depressants …”
The context made it clear that she was discussing forward-deployed soldiers and Marines. In Fact, the always enjoyable Col. David Hunt had to refute this claim.
I also know that our boys cannot have any drugs, alcohol, women or anything else that would interfere with the performance of their duties or otherwise adversely effect them when deployed. The only thing they can have is tobacco.
There you have it. Zarqawi and Boxer – extremists. Boxer slams our boys in harm’s way because they use smokeless tobacco.
Nice job, Barbara. Do you feel proud?
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