Kashmir Jihadists at Work in Bombay?
BY Herschel Smith18 years, 6 months ago
Jihad Watch is reporting that the recent bombing of the commuter rail in Bombay, India, has the appearance of being Kashmir Jihadists. If so, then we should look for tensions over the Kashmir region between India and Pakistan to heat up again.
Remember the most recent spate of tensions there? India and Pakistan almost went to war over Kashmir (all the while, the U.S. was courting Pakistan in order to gain assistance with the war in Afghanistan). While I think that Dick Armitage is mostly a lackey, he apparently managed to suppress the tensions and pull a nuclear India and nuclear Pakistan back from the brink of war.
It would be better for world stability if this was an internal affair within India rather than the work of Muslim terrorists. Michelle Malkin thinks that this is possible (reference here).
We’ll see.
**** UPDATE #1 ****
The arrests make it currently look like it is Islamic Terrorists. From Fox News:
The Indian home minister said on Indian television that authorities had information of an attack but did not know when or where it was to occur.
“There is no information about who is behind these blasts,
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