War? What War?
BY Herschel Smith18 years, 6 months ago
Andrew McCarthy at NRO:
During a few shining nanoseconds of post-9/11 clarity, the administration had declared that there was an enemy and it had to be wiped out. Now, though, what has been wiped out is the Bush Doctrine: the sober acknowledgement that we had to accept the unsolicited challenge of a long, difficult war; the warning to all comers that we would fight to win, and they could either line up with us or line up with the terrorists.
The Bush Doctrine understood that jihadists were the problem and could form no part of the solution. This is a hard truth, though. It has thus been nudged gradually aside by a more pleasant Wilsonian mirage: the Democracy Project. This ambitious reconstruction of the Islamic world holds that jihadists can be tamed — and the United States made safer — by a political process.
Read the whole thing here.
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