Regional Rule in Iraq, or Breakup of the Nation?
BY Herschel Smith18 years, 5 months ago
There is much good news and information coming from Iraq, as you can tell from a brief (or even a prolonged) visit to the web site of the Multi-National Force – Iraq. I get the MNF newsletter and visit the web site regularly.
However, there is also disturbing news that still comes from Iraq. The Washington Post had an article some time back on the resurgence of Kurdish nationalism. There is a strong Kurhish population in Turkey, and in fact Turkish troops have been inside Iraq before (Turkey fears that Kurdish elements in Turkey and Iraq might unite to form a de facto nation).
The Seattle Times has hints of sectarianism building in Iraq, and there are undercurrents of a push for regional rule in Iraq.
But is is very difficult to imagine an Iraq without a stable and strong central government that is anything but a puppet of Iran. Let’s remember what Iran’s position is on Iraq, straight from an editorial from one of Iran’s hard line newspapers:
“The American defeat and withdrawal from Iraq will forever bury the Neoconservative current in the U.S.,…while the formation of an Islamist state in Iraq, which will be a natural ally of the Islamic Republic of Iran and will form a contiguous link between Iran and Palestine through Syria and Lebanon, will bring about a sea change in the geo-strategic balance in the region in favour of Iran and to America’s detriment. This new alliance with its huge size will directly influence all developments in the Arab and Muslim Middle East
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