Does this help explain Jihad a little better?
BY Herschel Smith18 years, 5 months ago
With all of the silly and dangerous definitions of Islamic Jihad out there (e.g., a “peaceful internal striving,” etc.), it is good to see moral clarity and precision. Michelle Malkin has a great piece today on the case of Lina Joy, in which she converted to Christianity from Islam, and wants to marry a Christian man. She is now facing death threats (as is her lawyer), and the case has gone to the highest court in Malaysia. But apparently the civil courts routinely refer cases to the Islamic court, and:
While the Quran states there should be “no compunction” in religion, Islamic authorities world-wide consider apostasy both a sin and a crime. In Malaysia, Islamic courts can sentence apostates to “rehabilitation” in prison-like re-education centers that sometimes use caning as part of their program.
Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Rather like the Gulags?
Continuing, we learn why Islam refuses to allow people to leave the faith:
“If Islam were to grant permission for Muslims to change religion at will, it would imply it has no dignity, no self-esteem,” said Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad, senior fellow at Malaysia’s Institute of Islamic Understanding.
“And people may then question its completeness, truthfulness and perfection.
There you have it. These are some of the major differences (there are so many to choose from) between Christianity and Islam. Christianity believes that God changes hearts and minds, not man. Islam believes that caning can assist in “rehabilitation” in matters of religion. Christianity welcomes a battle of ideas, confident in the victory of its world view if people will only be logical and if God chooses to change hearts and minds. Islam tethers its self-worth to what man thinks.
Folks, these are critical differences. This is why Christianity will not shoot others in the name of God, and why Islam believes that it is acceptable to spread Islam by the power of the “sword.” It is because in Islam, man is doing the work rather than God. If you believe that it is by your efforts that man is saved, then why wouldn’t you use all means at your disposal to spread your salvation?
This helps explain Jihad. It makes perfect sense; it is the seed of violence within Islam. All attempts to explain it away fail.
[And please, do not send me any moronic e-mails about Eric Rudolph or Timothy McVeigh. Neither one carried out their actions because of religious motivation. Rudolph was a white supremicist, while McVeigh didn’t very much like Ruby Ridge or the U.S. government.]
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