Top Ten Blogs
BY Herschel Smith
Following the counsel of John Hawkins at RWN, I am listing my top ten blogs. Since my son is a Marine, it will be virtually impossible to unseat SWJ from the number one position (especially the Daily News Links page where you just point and click on the day you want). I am personally invested in what the USMC does — my son’s life hangs in the balance. Numbers 2 – 10 are subject to revision at any time.
10] Blogs of War (and companion site, Chronicles of War; friend John Little has been very kind to me, instructive when I started up, and very nice to blogroll my site).
9] Little Green Footballs (The MSM fear LGF for good reason)
8] Counterterrorism Blog (I cannot not read this every day; it tells me where the world is headed before we get there)
7] Polipundit (My friends Knighthawk, Oak Leaf and Ace have been good to me and have given me very kind words and a link from time to time for my better posts)
6] Jihad Watch (Tireless expose of the enemy)
5] Riehl World View (Dan Riehl is one of the world’s great bloggers; simply magnificent, and he has given me a link from time to time, and a post welcoming me to the world of conservative blogging a few months back — oh, and he also blogrolled me)
4] Right Wing News (John Hawkins operates a virtual clearinghouse of good information, and together with on-point analysis that is always correct and conservative, this is a daily read)
3] Strategy Page (Great military information, and as a Milblogger, I would be lost without a daily dose of SP)
2] Michelle Malkin (What can I say; wonderful, although I am still waiting for the first returned e-mail; do you know I am out here, Michelle?)
1] Small Wars Journal (Will stay number one for me; I became familiar with the concept of small wars when I began studying the USMC because of my son; it would be good for others to understand as well)
**** UPDATE ****
Actually, I am taking liberty with my number one blog, since it is only barely a blog, linking to a bunch of stuff, including books, news, manuals, quotes, discussion threads and blogs by others. I hope that this liberty is okay. It is a must read every day for me.
On September 7, 2006 at 9:00 pm, Dave (AKA SWJED) said:
Thanks much and a very big hat tip. Bill and I needed that…
On September 8, 2006 at 12:20 am, Herschel Smith said:
You are very welcome. It was hard to stop at ten blogs, since there are so many I would like to mention, including Mike at Cop the Truth who is a daily read for me.
But I could have gone on forever, so I had to restrict myself at some limit. Ten seemed like a good number.