Jim Spiri: New Contributor to The Captain’s Journal
BY Herschel Smith17 years, 1 month ago
We are announcing that The Captain’s Journal now has a new contributor. His name is Jim Spiri, and you can read about him and how he came into blogging on the About page. We are glad to have him, and look forward to his thoughts and experiences from a recent embed in Iraq. He was, in fact, embedded with the Marines of 2nd Battalion, 6th Regiment, Golf Company, with my son who fought in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom during Operation Alljah.
Jim has some soon-to-come photographs and thoughts of homecoming at Fort Bliss, Texas, from an Army unit with which he was embedded in Mosul. Also, there is a new Paypal donation button near the bottom of the page. If you wish to donate to Jim’s coming embed, you can make a contribution and note it as going towards Jim’s work. All of it will go for this purpose. Please drop Jim a note and tell him you appreciate his work and encourage him to publish his thoughts.
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