Blogs You Should Check Out
BY Herschel Smith16 years ago
Every once in a while it’s appropriate to mention the blogs I find and follow. One such blog is Rogue Gunner, a Brit, and an interesting and lively chap. Ex-military, conservative viewpoints, and champion for the warrior. Stop by and say hello.
Another such blog is an upstart named This Veteran’s Life, garrisoned by a Marine and veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Finally, I am keeping in touch with T.T. Carnehan at Long Warrior, who is currently deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and is an absolute MUST read. Quoting a letter from a 2nd grader from his blog:
Keep your blood while you still have it. Fight with all your might. Kill people, steal weapons. You know, I used to be a soldier myself. I have mechanical hands now though. I was also a prisoner for 5 years.
Sergeant Matt
And yet another real event he witnessed in Afghanistan.
Oh by the way, I saw a fully loaded passenger bus with a pickup truck and a station wagon strapped to the roof. The bus was on a jack while the driver changed a tire.
A fully loaded passenger bus with a pickup truck and station wagon strapped to the roof – on a jack. And why didn’t you get a picture, Carnehan? It would have been worth something.
At any rate, with our mechanical hand we salute all three of these blogs and ask that you send us any weapons that you steal.
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