Combat Video from Now Zad
BY Herschel Smith
The following combat action is good viewing, in addition to that previously linked. There is a discussion taking place between Kristen Henderson of the Washington Post and random readers / commenters. Ms. Henderson has to address comments like this.
So, what higher HQ lacked the knowlege that sent 2/7 in for a bogus mission? Not that I’d expect a Marine infantry battalion to be very good at training police procedures (italics and bold TCJ).
Wow. Remember that we discussed this notion of actually sending Marines to fight Taliban fighters in Marines Take the Fight to the Enemy in Now Zad. So rather than tell this commenter to come by so she can slap him, she actually answers with a kind, sophisticated response (but still incomplete, and you need to read Marines Take the Fight to the Enemy in Now Zad). More than I feel compelled to do. You will be dumber for having read the WaPo discussion. Dumber. Now for the recent Now Zad action.
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