Knife Blogging
BY Herschel Smith15 years, 4 months ago
I have had my eyes on a knife at the MCX (Marine Corps Exchange) at Camp Lejeune for a while, and Sunday it was purchased for me.
This is considered by Ka-Bar to be a utility knife (at least, it is included under the rubric “utility” on their web site). But I must admit that in a long history of ownership of knives I have never held such a solid, hefty knife with such close machining precision in the action. It has a stainless steel blade with a partially serrated edge, and it is extremely sharp. Its folder is heavy enough that it has the feel of something special – something different than the simple camping and hiking knife. It has a no-slip grip.
The sheath shows that Ka-Bar knows that this is more than a utility knife. It holds the knife tight and has a belt loop or two loops for molle strap attachment to a tactical vest, vertical or horizontal orientation with Velcro and snap closure. This would be a good gift for a Soldier or Marine deploying to Iraq or Afghanistan.
Ka-Bar has their own description. They call it the Mule Folder, Serrated Edge. I’m not saying anything about the price at the MCX compared to commercial price.
On September 16, 2009 at 8:34 pm, blkfoot_04 said:
I filed this over at “a message from Afghanastan” comment section.
So here is just some simple ideas that maybe we aught to look into.
1) The Taliban and Al Qaida is whipping our butts in the media battle. Anything the Allied Forces do that just might cause a death or injury of a civilian is promply brought out and displayed with bright spotlights and glittering lettering. And without knowing just who is Taliban and who is Joe Chit the Ragman Civilian…we’ll always be losing this battle. We need to get a handle of the “propaganda” war.
2) All the Afghans ever see of the Allies is Warriors (oh, our troops are doing a great job don’t get me wrong, I have nothing but the highest respect for our service personel over there, but, their troops, combat- armed to the teeth ready to kick azz and take names troops)…even the small amount of Civilians sent over there look like some sort of soldier. How are you going to get the mindset changed to “trust us” if all they have ever seen is foreign combat troops trying to secure safe areas on your home turf. Imagine if you can, that in your town or village all the time. You didn’t invite them here, unwanted guest.
3) Children. Children are the future, Children are open to making new friends…Children are Afghanistan, Children remember kindness, friendliness, gifts and who gave them..who can be their friend. If this country could once again mobilise the giving power of Churches, and start a Toy’s and clothes for tots programs to be handed out to the Children of Afghanstan…by our soldiers and Marines…a whole new strategy of “hearts and Minds” would begin. Shoes, socks coats, gloves, hats, teddy bears or other stuffed animals, coloring books and crayons, gum or candy, picture books and caned foods and cooking utensils, solar cook stoves….things these people just don’t have everyday. Clean out every Goodwill in the United States and just give this stuff away to needed Afghan families. Do not enclude religion.
4) Buy vegitables from the local farmers for the Military base camps, make it worth their while to change their Poppies to Corn, Wheat, Tomatoes, Beans, Beets, Rice, Potatoes, Lettuce, Carrots, Broccoli, Aspargus, Caulaflower, Chickens, Beef, Eggs, Lamb (I would suggest Pork but being a muslim country I doubt if there’s any big farms of those around), create that market that they need to kick start a larger market thru out Afghanastan and neighboring countries…Hell, there’s over 68,000 US troops, plus the Nato troops, plus the supporting units not in country and off shore on ships…we’re talking a Massive market out there, compared to having to ship all this stuff from the U.S. and Europe to Afghanastan….Also get NGO’s involved for purchases for African nations that need food. Build a industry and infastructure.
5) Start shipping over brand new 1800’s style farm empliments like plows and disks (pulled by oxen or donkeys), harvest equipment, thashers, elevators and storage bins and corn cribs (contact our Amish people here in the States, they still make and use this stuff). And give it too the farmers
6) BEAT the Taliban and Al Qaida at a game they have no pieces to match with. Out smart these guys at a strategy they couldn’t beat. Anything we “give” or buy from the locals is all positive, the Taliban or Al Qaida, if they take it away from the locals are walking right into the trap of Suggestion #1!
On October 27, 2022 at 5:45 am, jrg said:
This knife reminds me of the Ontario 52-95 Spec Plus Jump Knife. But the Kabar is more a heavy duty work blade. The Jump Knife has a slimmer handle, a spear shaped 1095 steel blade and can be opened like a gravity knife if lock is pushed down, allowing the blade to swing out of its own weight. Other than that, pretty much comparable in size.