Marine Embedded Tactical Trainers at COP in Kunar
BY Herschel Smith
This video documentary, courtesy of the Unrestricted Warfare Analysis Center, is remarkable for its summary of various themes that can be found at The Captain’s Journal over the past three or four years, from control over roads to logistics, from the need for troops and force projection to the ineptitude of much or the ANA, from the difficulty of raising a coherent and cohesive Army in a culture that is inhospitable to such a concept to allowing the enemy control over the high terrain. Each and every one of these ideas has been rehearsed and documented ad infinitum at TCJ.
You might remember Staff Sergeant O’Brien, USMC, from an earlier video documentary showing the problems associated with startup on the ANA. It would appear that progress is halted and the problem quite protracted in nature.
On November 13, 2009 at 9:23 pm, Warbucks said:
In addition smarter outpost operations outlined by TCJ, we need to consider the application of humane forms of using chemical warfare in the form of knock-out gas that completely immobilizes for several hours, all air breathers. These gases need to be on the order of relative safety as tear gas is perceived to be on crowd dispersal. We use the immobilizing agent on air breathers. Then go into the zone and sort out combatants from non-combatants, revive the non-combatants and haul in the combatants.