Herschel Smith to Markos Moulitsas: I’m Here to Help, Dude
BY Herschel Smith14 years, 8 months ago
Regarding this:
Truth is the first casualty of Kos
I had initially taken some degree of pleasure and humor in reading the exchange. But then I felt some degree of guilt. I am certain that you don’t actually intend to come off as a thirteen year old girl hysterically text-messaging her enemies with run-on sentences. I am certain that you wish to be seen as less effeminate and much more manly than this, but perhaps don’t know how.
Please allow me to assist you. I am here to help. I can hook you up with some hard core manual labor: ditch digging, shoveling gravel, bailing hay, etc. I can even get you hooked up with training stud horses and ‘coon dogs. Stud quarter horses are quite a handful when trying to break them, especially in the warm weather. And there is nothing better than watching a ‘coon dog bite the eyeballs out of a Raccoon – or, watching the dog go limping away from being torn to shreds by the ‘coon.
I think you will feel much more manly after doing activities such as this. Let me know when you want to come down and hang out. BTW, I am assuming that at least right now you would disagree with my brand of counterinsurgency.
What we must do to win Kandahar
Maybe after we go ‘coon hunting you will see things my way.
Very Warmest Regards,
Herschel Smith
On May 7, 2010 at 1:24 pm, Warbucks said:
It seems inappropriate for me to post this suggestion under Humor category but I can’t find anything else that makes more sense. You may know I regard the work of United States Institute of Peace (USIP) as an important non-partisan forum which is trying to develop important peace building programs. There work awards many grants to many studies. While I have not received their money, I have participated in a few of their programs.
USIP has an upcoming program that may be of interest to readers of the Captain’s Journal:
“A Conversation with His Excellency Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and The Honorable Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State
“May 13, 2010, 2:30pm-3:30pm
“Please join us for the live web event at: http://www.usip.org/webcast.html ”
This event is unusual in that it presents high-level officials in powerful posts and depending upon how they choose to administer the program, you may be able to ask questions on line that are more than rhetorical in nature.