Obama Administration’s National Security Strategy
BY Herschel Smith14 years, 8 months ago
Missed by much (or most) of the media, the Obama administration published a new National Security Strategy. I would otherwise have attempted to conduct a serious review of said strategy, but it isn’t a serious document. It talks about the American commitment to the two-state solution, while ignoring the fact that Palestinians are increasingly rejecting the two-state solution. The strategy document discusses the fact that America will underwrite international or global security, while ignoring the fact that we are flat broke and in need of printing more money in order to pay our debts.
The strategy waxes almost poetic concerning the prevention of nuclear proliferation, while at the same time we have implemented the most weak-kneed, pitiful, powerless and naive strategy concerning Iran since the Carter administration. Iran will go nuclear during this administration’s watch and under the purview of this national security strategy. The strategy document goes on about our commitment to human rights, just after Obama bowed to the Chinese Premier (the monster who continues to implement the forced abortion policy in China), and while we also ignore the possibility of a Northern logistics route for Afghanistan because of human rights violations in Turkmenistan.
Then there is this wonderful statement on page 8. “Climate change and pandemic disease threaten the security of regions and the health and safety of the American people.” Well there you have it. Anthropogenic global warming poses a national security threat – after the revelations of complete falsification of data in the presumed intellectual power centers of the AGW religion.
The new national security strategy promotes a just and sustainable international order:
Our engagement will underpin a just and sustainable international order—just, because it advances mutual interests, protects the rights of all, and holds accountable those who refuse to meet their responsibilities; sustainable because it is based on broadly shared norms and fosters collective action to address common challenges.
Don’t trust my analysis. You can go read the document for yourself (grab a stout cup of coffee first – or maybe a stout beer). But it reads like it was written by a college sophomore in international studies for a contest named “Imagine: Tribute to John Lennon – What Do You Want the World to Look Like When You Grow Up?”
On May 30, 2010 at 9:24 am, TSAlfabet said:
Is incompetence an impeachable offense? I suppose not.
But when that incompetence results in the deaths of millions, surely that is a more serious offense than “bribery” (Article 2 of the Constitution). The definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors” is apparently ambiguous, a kind of “we know it when we see it.”
I suppose we will have to go over the cliff with this POTUS unless we are so lucky to make it to 2013 without major incident. In the meantime, plenty of damage is being done. I pray it is not irreversible.