Badly Needed R&R
BY Herschel Smith14 years, 4 months ago
I have been on some badly needed R&R with the family. You know, the important things in life. I appreciate your patience. I will return to regular posting within about 24 hours. In the mean time, pray for our country and our troops. Pray for their safety. When you’re finished with that, if you’re still in need of something else to do, contemplate Professor Alvin Plantinga’s views on Warrant and Professor John Frame’s views on cognitive rest – and both in light of one another. Write a 5000 word paper and submit tomorrow. I suspect you’ll find that you don’t have need of something else to do.
On September 7, 2010 at 2:46 pm, Warbucks said:
“Warranted Christian Belief,” that’s pretty heavy… reading it is like knowing the Nun standing right behind me in class has an oakwood 18″-ruler in her hand and isn’t happy with my screwing around in her classroom.
How about a light video showing evidence of non-Christian possibility that reincarnation may indeed be possible as evidenced by “Sqweeky the Pig,” about a soul that wanted to be a cowboy in the next life, but wasn’t listening to God when God (with a capital G) told the soul what line to stand in.
Sqweeky needs to listen up as instead of a cowboy, (he stood in the wrong reincarnation line) he came back as a pig.
But fortunately Sqweeky came back as Texas Pig born to be a cowboy anyway, through God’s mercy. This is a far lighter story of Sqweeky who knows more about being a cowboy than most people I know:
On September 7, 2010 at 3:18 pm, Herschel Smith said:
No Rich, that doesn’t even come close, and your grade if F.
On September 8, 2010 at 9:50 am, Warbucks said:
Even my Cliff Notes ( ) on the book(s) Warranted Christian Belief: are way above my head. All I know is this: it is possible to experience cosmic consciousness in dream-states researched on line the following morning, which mathematically prove that one can personally experience revelation. This personal level experience is available to everyone with an internet connection. It has to be experienced personally to be believed.
I’ve even posted a web-page to help others experience the event for themselves here:
The personal level experience changes everything in ones life and enables one to see himself in a new light and thus see others in a new ways.
From what I can tell, the sages refer to this sort of event as an awakening. While I can not make heads or tales out of the intellectual arguments in my Cliff Notes on Warranted Christian Belief I have migrated across a great spectrum of life and discovered a blooming of love in my heart which enables me to find inner peace. …. and that inner peace seems to be the key to world peace.
I could be wrong of course.
The mission of the website we made is simple: The mission of Peace and Conflict Resolution.Org, Corporation is to assist in building world peace by teaching and developing inner peace of the individual with the application of advanced consciousness studies and practices.
Besides, you were on vacation and I didn’t think you were watching the store.