Obama on Passover
BY Herschel Smith13 years, 9 months ago
Quoth Moses, in Exodus 12:12-13.
‘For I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.
Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.
However, Mr. Obama has a different view of Passover.
Passover recalls the bondage and suffering of Jews in Egypt and the miracle of the Exodus, but U.S. President Barack Obama says its message is reflected in Muslim uprisings.
In his annual message, prior to his third straight participation in the Passover Seder, President Obama stated, “The story of Passover…instructs each generation to remember its past, while appreciating the beauty of freedom and the responsibility it entails. This year that ancient instruction is reflected in the daily headlines as we see modern stories of social transformation and liberation unfolding in the Middle East and North Africa.”
Having constructed a link between the Arab uprisings and Chosen People’s experiencing the miracles of the Creator that led them out of Egypt and towards the receiving of the Ten Commandments, the President concluded, “As Jewish families gather for this joyous celebration of freedom, let us all be thankful for the gifts that have been bestowed upon us, and let us work to alleviate the suffering, poverty, injustice, and hunger of those who are not yet free.”
Passover, which is a Jewish holiday, but which Christians see as a pointer to salvation accomplished in Christ (“The new is in the old concealed, the old is in the new revealed”), is all about a sovereign God accomplishing salvation for His people. It isn’t about what man does. In fact, the whole account screams out against reliance on what man can accomplish in his own power and for his own purposes. It calls mankind to recognize that the only contribution to his salvation is made by God. Just as the Israelites were powerless against Pharaoh, man contributes nothing.
Yet the best Mr. Obama can come up with is yet another reference to warmed over, recapitulated social gospel, that silly brand of Marxism that came from South of the border called liberation theology. Worse still, he analogizes passover with a religion that has no concept of grace or mercy.
This is one of the stupidest things I think I have ever heard the man say, and it betrays a fundamental ignorance of everything associated with classical religious doctrine. I think it might be worse than merely attempting to recast the scene in his own image. I think the man actually doesn’t understand anything associated with religious doctrine at even an elementary school child level.
On April 19, 2011 at 7:01 am, Jeffry Butter said:
Romans 1:22
On April 19, 2011 at 7:37 am, bob sykes said:
Obama spent almost his whole life wandering from one communist re-education camp to another. He is so maleducated, brain-washed as to be delusional, and he understands nothing of the real world. His childhood in Indonesia planted a Muslim self-identity alongside his communism. His Muslim identity was reinforced by 22 years listening to the most virulent antisemitic hate speech since Hitler and Himmler.
His White House is filled with communists and antisemites. He is dangerous.
On April 19, 2011 at 9:10 am, Rev. Mike said:
Guess I’m wondering why, after spending a fair portion of his adulthood in Jeremiah Wright’s church, one would expect any different outcome. You hit the nail on the head when you point to his acquaintance with liberation theology.
On April 22, 2011 at 8:54 am, Warbucks said:
“This is one of the stupidest things I think I have ever heard”…. my own personal rants on religion may be stupider… you decide: http://tinyurl.com/463w52s