Obama Allows Mexican Police To Violate U.S. Sovereignty
BY Herschel Smith
From St. Louis Today:
President Barack Obama’s administration has expanded its role in Mexico’s fight against organized crime by allowing the Mexican police to stage cross-border drug raids from inside the United States, according to senior administration and military officials.
Mexican commandos have discreetly traveled to the U.S., assembled at designated areas and dispatched helicopter missions back across the border aimed at suspected drug traffickers. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration provides logistical support on the U.S. side of the border, officials said, arranging staging areas and sharing intelligence that helps guide Mexico’s decisions about targets and tactics.
Officials said these so-called boomerang operations were intended to evade the surveillance — and corrupting influences — of the criminal organizations that closely monitor the movements of security forces inside Mexico. And they said the efforts were meant to provide settings with tight security for U.S. and Mexican law enforcement officers to collaborate in their pursuit of criminals who operate on both sides of the border.
Former U.S. law enforcement officials who were once posted in Mexico described the boomerang operations as a new take on an old strategy that was briefly used in the late 1990s when the DEA helped Mexico crack down on the Tijuana Cartel by letting the specially vetted Mexican police to stage operations out of Camp Pendleton in San Diego.
Recall that I recommended combined and even unilateral military operations against the cartels by U.S. forces. Do you reckon that Mr. Obama bargained for unilateral U.S. operations against the cartels? Or perhaps was it just a one-way agreement? Which is most likely?
On August 30, 2011 at 2:40 am, Rupert Fiennes said:
Provided a) all these operations are individually cleared with US authorities (sort of a given if the US are providing staging areas) and b) the US has considered the blow back implications of such operations (the cartels are already an enemy) I don’t see the problem with this. I know usually the US is in the business of asking for other nations host nation support, but….