NATO Rushes To Seal Afghan Border
BY Herschel Smith
A U.S. Army soldier from Alpha Company 2nd battalion 27th infantry (the Wolfhounds), Task Force NO FEAR watches out from OP Mace in eastern Afghanistan Naray district, Kunar province near the border of Pakistan early August 27, 2011. From Reuters
U.S. soldier Staff Sergeant Frankie Berdecia of Alpha Company 2nd battalion 27th infantry (the Wolfhounds), Task Force NO FEAR from Puerto Rico, operates a TOW missile system at Observation Post Mace in eastern Afghanistan’s Kunar province near the border with Pakistan August 28, 2011. From IHT.
On August 31, 2011 at 4:25 pm, DirtyMick said:
I would assume tropic lightning is suited for mountain fighting. From what I understand they hump a lot of mountains at Schoefield Barracks
On September 1, 2011 at 2:25 am, scott s. said:
Thanks. Since I live next-door to Schofield Barracks, I try to keep up with what’s going on with the Wolfhounds, and the rest of 3rd Bde, 25th ID. We also have the 25th CAB deploying soon, but there is an issue that the Hawaiians don’t want them practicing high altitude landings, so the troops are going to have to spend a couple months on the mainland at Ft Carson. I guess it isn’t enough that they have to be deployed for a year (well maybe 9 months, we’ll see).
There is some mountain in the Kahuku training area (east range) though a lot of that has been set up for the 2d Stryker Bde.
On September 2, 2011 at 9:33 pm, anom said:
@ scott s. : not many US bases have high HLZ’s to practice with. all CAB’s deploying to afghanistan must go to ft. carson for the training.
also, the 25th CAB is deploying to RC-S and high altitudes will not be a huge issue.
@ dirty mick: i hate to say it, but 3-25 has been lackluster compared to their predecessors.
On October 4, 2011 at 12:50 pm, Šťoural said:
Take the cake:TF Bronco head back to WANAT–task-force-bronco-heads-back-to-wanat.html