U.S. Warning to Iran
BY Herschel Smith
From The Washington Post:
The United States will continue to support Iraq as it moves toward democracy, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Saturday as she wrapped up a weeklong overseas trip.
Without mentioning Iran by name, Clinton warned Iraq’s neighbors against meddling and said the U.S. and Iraq would remain close allies.
“As we open this new chapter in a relationship with sovereign Iraq, to the Iraqis we say: America is with you as you take your next steps in your journey to secure your democracy,” she said.
“And to countries in the region, especially Iraqi’s neighbors, we want to emphasize that America will stand with our allies and friends, including Iraq, in defense of our common security and interests.”
She said the United States would have a “robust, continuing presence throughout the region, which is proof of our ongoing commitment to Iraq and to the future of that region.”
The problem with Iran began more than a quarter century ago, and for Operation Iraqi Freedom, even before the campaign began. We could have addressed the present problem, at least in part, when Maliki’s rule was hanging by a thread and Iraqi lawmakers were waiting to see who the U.S. would support. While I argued for support of Allawi, the U.S. policy-makers decided to support the Iranian apparatchik Maliki. At that point we may as well have withdrawn troops, and afterward a downward spiral took effect in Iraq, from a poor status of forces agreement to increased Iranian hegemony.
To be sure, the Obama administration could have projected strength, but did not and will not, and hence Maliki feels even more emboldened to follow the dictates of his puppet masters in Iran. While the Obama administration did nothing whatsoever to help the situation, the problem began years ago with our refusal to engage Iran in the war that they declared on us.
I haven’t recommended full scale conventional warfare with Iran. That’s clearly not necessary. But what is necessary – support for the Green movement, a campaign of assassinations against Quds commanders, fomenting an insurgency within Iran, and robust covert warfare against Iranian forces around the Middle East, from Quds forces in Iraq, to Hezbollah in Lebanon – will not happen because neither the Obama administration nor the Bush administration has or had the stomach for winning the global war on terrorism.
The Iranian Mullahs know that. We don’t even have the sway left in Iraq to have gotten a renewed status of forces agreement that prevents our Soldiers from being held on charges in Iraqi courts, much less to prevent the expansion of Iranian power in the Middle East.
Thus, this warning to Iran must seem like the silliest, most self-delusional piece of propaganda ever to be issued from the offices of the State Department. We have sunk to a new low. We now traffic in complete lies without the slightest concern over the fact that not even the enemy believes us any more.
On October 27, 2011 at 12:55 pm, Warbucks said:
I’m of the same sense that our work is not done in the region. The concept of the “Green Movement” reminds me of the old USSR prime directive more than a US approach. But hey, I’m open to be convinced if it can be shown to save US lives.
My approach is a robust Blue Movement, the commitment of assets over, in, around Iran, to insure the continued operations of all alternative media and civil communications in a high tech 4-G mode.
Then possibly insert ground assets to go in and work with the students and youth to maintain public pressure on Iran to change, coupled with economic isolation.
How do we know if the Green Movement has been deployed? How do we know if the Blue Movement has been deployed? These are both formidable aspects of both systems that would likely be kept under wraps.
On March 20, 2012 at 12:59 pm, Warbucks said:
The Captain’s Journal list of readers obviously contain those inside the small inside ring advising the President. The main stream media today March 20, 2011 is implementing the first wave of assets to penetrate the electronic curtain apparently surrounding Iran.
Even under current international sanctions against Iran, we are insuring citizen contact with the west. The first wave will be all our western search engines and communication platforms.
The 2nd Wave of assets the US deploys will probably never be announced as they will likely be space and (atmospheric based) drone assets insuring back up communication channels.
This is actually a good investment plan to use everywhere, even right here in the US. If we are going to have drones out there spying on everyone, let’s convert them over to also provide back up communication channels for a free and open internet.
Just saying.
On March 20, 2012 at 9:53 pm, Warbucks said:
I meant to write: “The main stream media today March 20, 2012 is implementing the first wave of assets.”