The TSA Likes Cute Figures
BY Herschel Smith
Some TSA employess are using body scanners to get their game on.
Female passengers say they are being targeted by TSA screeners for sexual harassment, with one Texas woman being forced to pass through a naked body scanner three times so chuckling male TSA workers in a back room could get a good look at her “cute” figure.
The incident occurred at DFW International Airport earlier this month. Wife and mother Ellen Terrell was asked by a female TSA screener “Do you play tennis?” When Terrell asked why, the screener responded, “You just have such a cute figure.”
Terrell was then told to go through the naked body scanner not once but a second time. She then heard the TSA screener talking into her microphone saying, “Come on guys, alright, alright, one more time.”
After Terrell was forced to undergo a third blast of radiation from the body scanner, the male TSA agents in the back room who were obviously enjoying the show tried to send her through yet again to see more images of her naked body.
“Guys, it is not blurry, I’m letting her go. Come on out,” the female TSA screener said, finally ending the ordeal.
“I feel like I was totally exposed,” Terrell told CBS 11. “They wanted a nice good look.”
So in addition to feeling up old women and groping the genitals of young children, some TSA employess use the body scanners to get their daily porn fix. It is this way because the TSA is a jobs program, and nothing more – oftentimes for ignorant, incompetent goobers who cannot get a job any other way.
As I have pointed out before, if we really cared about security, we would install explosive trace detection portals, just like those in use at the access portals to nuclear power plants in the U.S. This, combined with abolishing the TSA and sending the work to private contractors, would actually benefit security and save money to boot.
But we don’t want that. We would rather have ignorant goobers gawk at cute figures and have random violations of our fourth amendment rights. What a strange world.
Prior: Category TSA Ineptitude
On February 15, 2012 at 6:40 am, TS Alfabet said:
This really is a measure of just how much freedom America has lost when the government can force citizens to suffer these kinds of indignities without penalty or consequences.
Where are those heroic trial lawyers who claim that corporate America would rape and plunder innocent folk if not for their multi-billion dollar verdicts? Oh, that’s right. The trial lawyers only pursue those cases where they can get a pat on the back from their Leftist buddies and the pickings are easy.
On February 16, 2012 at 2:47 pm, Dave said:
Eventually the TSA will be as entrenched as the teachers’ unions and they will move past peep shows into private-room pat downs and strip searches, just like the perverts that the NEA defends.