U.S. Deploys Hideous Weapon of Mass Destruction in War Against Islamists
BY Glen Tschirgi
TCJ readers, listen up. We have had a major, strategic breakthrough in the War against Islamofascism.
It is so unexpected and so unconventional, so inadvertent that it can only be considered something of a Divine intervention.
America has stumbled upon the Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction against the Islamist foe: cheezy, low-budget films with horrible production and grade-school dialogue launched via that irresistible weapons delivery system known as “YouTube.”
Yes, I am referring to that military masterpiece unleashed upon the unsuspecting Islamists called, The Innocence of Muslims.
Consider just this one example in al Jazeera of its destructive power:
At least one person has died as demonstrations against an anti-Islam video erupt across Pakistan, a day after protesters tried to storm the US embassy in the capital, Islamabad.
Angry demonstrators set fire to two cinemas in the northwestern city of Peshawar, police and witnesses said on Friday, as the country began a day of protests.
One protester was wounded when a cinema guard opened fire as crowds armed with clubs and bamboo poles converged on the Firdaus picture house, “smashing it up and setting furniture ablaze”, according to Gohar Ali, a police officer.
Witnesses said a separate rampaging crowd stormed the Shama cinema, notorious locally for showing films considered to be pornographic.
Tens of thousands of Pakistanis were expected to take to the streets across the country after the government called an impromptu public holiday to let people protest.
Friday was designated a “day of expression of love for the prophet” by the government, which called for peaceful protests against the Innocence of Muslims video produced in the US.
All the major political parties and religious groups announced protests, as did many trade and transport organisations.
Large crowds were expected to turn out after Friday prayers.
The previous day, the US embassy became the latest target of protesters angry at the YouTube video. The total number of protesters touched 5,000 with the arrival of protesters carrying the flags of anti-American Islamist groups.
At least 50 people were injured as police fired tear gas and live rounds towards the crowds.
This New Secret Weapon, according to the article, has the mysterious ability to induce widespread madness in the Islamist population, compelling them to irrational behaviors like attacking porno theaters and embassies that are merely obscene for their obsequious behavior.
What’s more, the U.S. government is augmenting the frightful power of this new weapon with a psychological campaign of such cruel calculation that it is almost a crime against humanity. It’s true. The Islamist will soon be begging for the merciful Drone Strikes before too long. Consider this diabolical game of deception and denial waged by the Administration as quoted in the al Jazeera article:
Against this tense backdrop, the US has bought time on Pakistani television stations to run a series of ads in an effort to assuage Muslim feelings of hurt.
The US hopes the ad would show that the country had no involvement with the controversial internet video.
The US embassy in Islamabad spent about $70,000 to run the announcement, which features clips of Barack Obama, the US president, and Hillary Clinton, secretary of state, underscoring US respect for religion and declaring the US government had nothing to do with the video.
Obama is shown saying: “Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.”
Clinton then says: “Let me state very clearly, the United States has absolutely nothing to do with this video. We absolutely reject its contents. America’s commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation.”
“In order to ensure we reached the largest number of Pakistanis, some 90 million as I understand it in this case with
these spots, it was the judgment that this was the best way to do it.”Addressing a media briefing on the ad campaign, Victoria Nuland, state department spokeswoman, said the aim was “to make sure that the Pakistani people hear the president’s messages and the secretary’s messages”.
The announcement aired as the US asked its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to Pakistan.
Oh the savagery! Oh the mental ruin this will visit upon the poor, helpless Islamists!
Imagine the Islamists, weary from the YouTube Bomb-induced fury against porn theaters and embassies, seeking some solace in their television re-runs of “Little Mosque on the Prairie,” only to be bombarded– yes! bombarded!– with relentless messages from Barack Hussein Obama that the U.S. loves and respects all faiths, especially ones that do not have a crucifix that can be plunged into urine or a virgin mother that can be smeared with elephant feces.
This, my friends, is the ultimate in psychological whiplash! A veritable jiu-jitsu of mental pain! Surely, the Islamists will think, the President of the United States has the power to stop this horrible YouTube Bomb if he chooses. But he does not! Instead he claims respect for Islam while insulting its Prophet! And, to add injury to insult, he allows the horrible Clinton woman– a woman of all things— to deliver the one-two punch: the U.S. had nothing to do with the video (when it clearly did) and America believes in “religious tolerance” (when those very words are a red-hot poker in the Islamist soul).
But you may well be asking, How can we be sure that the normally spineless suck-ups in the Obama Administration and the Pentagon will find the courage to continue using a weapon of such fearsome, destructive power? There is evidence of more bombs in the making.
The U.S. government cleverly brought in the filmmaker for “questioning” based upon “parole violations.” Uh huh. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. That ought to throw the Islamists off the scent, eh? No one suspects (but we know better) that this was a clever ruse for the government to plan and coordinate the next series of YouTube Bombs that will continue to drive the Islamists over the cliff.
Victory is at hand, friends! All the U.S. need do now is just let the YouTube Bombs wreak their radioactive havoc upon the Islamists until their societies are so riven with mad self-destruction that they collapse in upon themselves like a laptop computer placed upon a wet, cardboard box. Yes, we here in the U.S. may be called upon to make sacrifices: exposure to these YouTube Bombs has been known to cause fits of derisive laughter and mild nausea in infidels, but we must not shrink back from even these sufferings.
Instead, let us console ourselves with the magnificence of this new Wonder Weapon. This is the evil genius of the United States of America at its finest. Stand in awe and fearful amaze.
On September 21, 2012 at 9:10 am, jb said:
Wow, just this morning my wife and I were saying the same thing. Hummm. Now I have to find something else to write about on my site.
On September 21, 2012 at 9:30 am, Glen Tschirgi said:
Sorry about that, JB. Know the feeling. Try avoiding all news and opinion articles and then you can at least claim non-feasance. Heh.
On September 21, 2012 at 10:13 pm, Ablelba said:
Is YouTube now the Great Satan? Maybe they should have burned their laptops in protest…