How Romney Could Score With Gun Owners
BY Herschel Smith12 years, 3 months ago
David Codrea notes that there is a way for Romney to score big in the first debate.
The Brady Campaign has asked Jim Lehrer, moderator of tonight’s debate between President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney, to deviate from the announced agenda and ask the candidates questions about “gun violence,” a press release issued yesterday by the group announced.
“Splendid idea,” Seattle Gun Rights Examiner Dave Workman agreed. “Romney’s first and best answer to such a question would be that within 24 hours after taking office, he would order his attorney general to enforce the contempt of Congress citation against Eric Holder. And, Romney could add, he would also order his attorney general to fire those responsible for Operation Fast and Furious, and if warranted, pursue criminal charges against them.”
That’s consistent with an open letter question asked a month ago in this column of Romney:
Will you pledge and commit, that if elected in November, you will rescind Obama’s executive privilege order and direct your Attorney General to fully cooperate with and assist the Committee in document production and whatever else it needs to finally determine and tell the American people the truth?
It’s also consistent with a question asked of some prominent Romney boosters in the gun rights community.
It seems especially appropriate now that Romney’s campaign is using Fast and Furious to raise funds (although The Washington Times should know better than to refer to the operation as “botched,” and the assertion that “Holder was not aware” is a gross misstatement of OIG report findings of “no evidence” in an investigation where key witnesses with administration and Justice ties refused to be interviewed, and the White House itself reminded the OIG of its restricted authority).
Yes to all of the above, but Fast and Furious isn’t the only issue, and the first debate isn’t the only time. As I’ve noted before, Romney is better than Obama on gun rights, but the difference isn’t stark enough. If there are questions on gun rights in the wake of recent events, Romney can go on the offensive rather than sit or stand blithely and rehearse talking points as if to apologize for our rights. It’s what I would do.
Romney needs us, but does he understand how much?
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