Come And Get My Assault Weapons!
BY Herschel Smith
As seen on Facebook.
But see Jeff, I think you’ve overlooked one problem. If you don’t believe in “assault weapons,” then you don’t have any. I have them, and you don’t. How are you going to get them from me?
As Glenn Reynolds replied to similar threats, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ.
On December 16, 2012 at 11:37 am, Daren said:
Funny part is, he calls us “stone age vigilantes”, last time I checked assault weapons didn’t come around until the mid 1900’s?
On December 16, 2012 at 2:17 pm, Sando said:
Hey Jeff, I’m an American and a law-abiding, responsible owner of firearms. Why do you want to deprive me of my Constitutional Right to own them? Your post is emotional, muddled and wrong but I don’t want to eliminate your right to make a fool of yourself.
ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, indeed…
On December 16, 2012 at 10:59 pm, Dan said:
I don’t believe that he intends to do it himself, but have others do it for him. It must be nice to live in a fantasy world where they can expect someone else will always face danger for them.
On December 17, 2012 at 3:00 am, Mike Pelcher said:
In the link below you’ll find a mother who agrees that the issue with the recent shootings isn’t “guns”. But, mental health! Interesting article, worth the read.
On December 17, 2012 at 12:15 pm, Herschel Smith said:
And that’s the point, Dan. He would send others in as Nazi attackers into other people’s homes to confiscate their belongings. At heart, they are all jack-boot Nazis.
On December 18, 2012 at 12:54 am, HempRopeAndStreetlight said:
Hey Jeff, when the shooting starts, consider yourself an active combatant. :) It’s very unfair for you to be leaving the LEO’s and Solider’s to die for your statist fantasy. Thus, in the spirit of shared sacrifice, consider yourself an elite member of the “anti-gun army” and as such, a legitimate military objective.
On April 11, 2013 at 9:45 pm, sixzero said:
Fellow Americans. I am a US soldier. If I was ever ordered to take part in confiscating citizens firearms, Id most likely turn around and shoot this guy first then head to my home state of Texas, to join their army when they become their own country. Just thought you guys would appreciate that.
Come And Take It.
On May 27, 2014 at 11:14 am, AwakenedAngryAmerican said:
So a “Modern era” attack on “stone age vigilantes?”
Sticks and stones will break some bones. But stupid words will harm a nation.
“Reasonable Laws” in a “modern and civil society” is such a joke. This “modern society” is not “civil” in the least. It is more evil today than any other time in history.
I’ve never owned or even shot a gun in my life. But if idiots such as those who make statements that our society is modern and civil. Then make a comment such as “hide your assault weapons we’re coming after them.” I will have to arm myself based on your terrorist threats.
That means you are threatening an assault on Americans AND the Constitution. Which means YOU will have assault weapons. Which means that you are a domestic enemy. You even publish your terrorist threats against the people of the United States. That makes these weapons you are coming for DEFENSE WEAPONS. If a regular citizen posted the threat you just did saying they were coming for you, or the president, or a congressman, or a senator. The secret service would be investigating them in a heart beat.
You are an enemy of the people. A hypocrite. Your terrorist threats have been heard loud and clear. America. Arm yourself. The men who’s idea of reasonable laws. Are men who think they have the right to enter your homes and forcibly shove their “reasonable laws” down your throat.