A Shotgun Is An AR!
BY Herschel Smith12 years, 1 month ago
Opening The Nation’s article on Five Assault Rifles You Can Pick Up At Walmart, I expected to be entertained just a bit over the fact that they aren’t really assault rifles. It was even better than I had expected. I was treated to this.
I guess you learn something every day, huh?
On December 19, 2012 at 9:01 pm, Cassandra (of Troy) said:
And don’t forget Rosa DeLauro (D,CT 3rd) who during debate on the original ‘assault weapons’ ban claimed that ‘laser sights’ steer bullets toward the target & that’s why they should be included in the ban! One wonders why it is that whenever the biggies on the pro-2A side get a chance to expose the idiocy of Rosa & her anti-2A co-cultists in a public forum like a TV show they seldom bother to bring up such examples. Too bad pro-2A representatives are either too nice or too cowardly to humiliate the anti-2A ones on a regular basis as doing so would go a long way toward discrediting them & their anti-2A jihad in the eyes of the public.
Cassandra (of Troy)
On December 20, 2012 at 8:30 am, Will said:
Held one of those yesterday. They’re one sweet lil’ Remington shotgun. Love it.
On December 20, 2012 at 3:43 pm, Lina Inverse said:
Wow are these guys ignorant … or they’re trying to encourage a ban that goes all the way down to .22LR semi-autos.
On December 20, 2012 at 3:49 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I think they got all excited about showing pictures of scary looking weapons that shooters have used before and forgot the title of the article.