Seven Rounds Instead Of Ten
BY Herschel Smith12 years ago
From CBS New York:
People familiar with closed-door negotiations told The Associated Press a tentative deal was struck over the weekend.
The tentative agreement would further restrict New York’s ban on assault weapons, limit the size of magazines to seven bullets, down from the current 10, and enact more stringent background checks for sales. Other elements, pushed by Republicans, would refine a mental health law to make it easier to confine people determined to be a threat to themselves or others.
Yaaaaaay! This means that some of Kimber’s 1911’s (with seven round magazines) are legal, while the ones that have eight round magazines are “assault weapons.” And maybe for a real laugh NY will include the eight- and nine-shot revolvers in their AWB while excluding the 5- and 6-shot revolvers.
Notice also that the NY republicans pressed for making it easier to falsely imprison innocent people. New York. Good for a laugh if nothing else.
On January 14, 2013 at 6:02 pm, N1K2 "George" said:
This legislation effectively rendering almost all Auto-pistol magazines illegal.
Once in a while, a Democrat/liberal/progressive lets the mask slip, and reveals their true intentions with all the “common sense” gun regulations/ownership.
“Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal.”
-U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, December 1993
On January 14, 2013 at 6:08 pm, Jean said:
This ban will not include the extensive private guard force that protects Wall Street Executives, NYC politicains, or Rap Stars. There is no gun control in NYC, Chicago, or DC, there is selective gun control. It’s ok to control Joe Six Pack, but those rules don’t apply to elitist left wing or other fortunate enough to have privilege or connections. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, business owners had to resort to protecting their stores and shops with baseball bats and hockey sticks.
On January 14, 2013 at 6:45 pm, N1K2 "George" said:
Very true. It’s always the elitists that make over $250,000 dollars a year, that can afford to purchase armed security guards (who are armed with the very firearms they want confiscated from the $250,000 and under class) making policy for the rest of us.
Low information voters who make less than $30,000 a year also applaud gun control measures, that disarm the middle and lower classes, but this behavior by them is best summed up by this quote:
“The welfare of the people has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience”
-Albert Camus
On January 14, 2013 at 7:34 pm, Bill said:
They can give up theirs first.
*chirp chirp chirp*