Gun Free Zones
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 12 months ago
Yesterday when the most recent shooting occurred in Texas, I remarked to a co-worker:
What’s the common element in all of these mass shootings? Think about it. A mall, schools, movie theaters and churches. These are all “gun free” zones. But they aren’t really gun free, because only the law-abiding citizens obey the law, and if you’re going to commit mass murder you are by the very definition NOT a law abiding citizen. Laws stipulating gun free zones are by their very nature ineffective and impotent. Get rid of the gun free zones and the calculus will change.
So David Codrea weighs in on this as well.
A shooting at a Houston college has left at least three people injured and at least one suspect in custody, The New York Times and other media sources reported today.
“Officials at the North Harris campus of Lone Star College announced an evacuation at 12:52 p.m. on its Web site, citing an incident involving ‘a couple of armed suspects,’” the report elaborated.
The suspects were in violation of Lone Star College policy and the law.
It is the policy of this System to prohibit the carrying of firearms, knives and clubs onto any of the System’s facilities,” the college’s weapons policy states. “The possession of firearms, illegal knives and prohibited knives on System facilities including parking areas and publicly accessed facilities is a violation of criminal law and Board policies. This prohibition includes licensed concealed handguns except as otherwise allowed by state law.
“Persons who violate the law and these policies will be subject to serious consequences, including referral for criminal prosecution, dismissal from school or discharge of employment,” the policy warns.
Read the rest of his report at Examiner. Chance Ballew also weighs in with his characteristically accurate single line summary.
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