Trigger Discipline
BY Herschel Smith
In the ongoing silliness that is gun control in Illinois, the Lt. Governor is meeting with a gaggle of politicians to talk over more issues in gun control. Yes, even after being battered by the recent appeals court ruling, they’re not giving up the ghost. They are statists until the bitter end – being bitter clingers as they are.
Anyway, this report on the meeting has an awful photograph.
Gun owners. Do not ever, ever do this. This is bad. This is very bad. He has his index finger inside the trigger guard while he is cycling the slide. If he continues to do this, he should sell his gun.
This is better.
On February 5, 2013 at 12:11 am, Gggnotaz said:
Look real close at the barrel on that glock picture. Why does there appear to be a front sight on the barrel itself instead of the slide?
On February 5, 2013 at 12:30 am, Herschel Smith said:
Great point. You’re saying that they photo-shopped this pic.
Hmmm …
On February 5, 2013 at 2:31 am, Nick the Canuck said:
I’ve seen pictures of similar looking Glocks with aftermarket barrel porting using a long protrusion on top that fits into a slot cut into the slide, necessitating mounting the front post on the protrusion itself. For reference:
On February 5, 2013 at 3:12 pm, Chuck said:
The ONLY time this is acceptable is when you are function-checking (per owners manual) your EMPTY Glock after reassembling it to make sure the trigger resets when you cycle it, i.e., squeeze trigger, hold it, cycle slide, release trigger, it should reset.
Other than that, you’re an ND waiting to happen.
On February 8, 2013 at 4:20 pm, scott s. said:
There has been a long-standing argument in conventional pistol, resulting in what I would call two opposing camps, concerning the advisability of holding back the trigger to take the pressure off the sear while cycling the slide. Don’t know about Glocks specifically, though (don’t think I’ve ever seen one in bullseye).
On March 14, 2014 at 6:08 am, AlmightyRuler said:
Ugh! Context is everything folks. Listen, I do this all the time. Dry fire drills when I’m trying to learn muscle memory for the length of the reset are done by pulling the trigger, holding it in position, racking the slide, moving the finger out to the reset point, break the shot, and repeat… It should OBVIOUSLY be done with a cleared weapon, no ammo around, and in a safe direction, but it’s a valid and very useful drill. The trigger Nazi’s drive me CRAZY! OMG! YOUR FINGER! AHHH! BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!! *facepalm* Please… let’s all use some common sense. k?