Cantor Caves On Universal Background Checks
BY Herschel Smith
From CNN:
The number two House Republican said Tuesday that he supports beefed up background checks for gun sales, an indication of where potential gun control legislation could be headed on Capitol Hill.
Rep. Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, told CNN Chief Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash that a system put in place in his home state of Virginia following the 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech could be a model for a nationwide measure.
He said that model ensured mental health information was linked to databases used in background checks during gun sales.
“I think that we can take a lot of lessons from what Virginia did and put it in place at the federal level, because there are a lot of states that aren’t doing what Virginia is doing to try and beef up the database for the background checks to make sure that we actually can do something that does have a chance at reducing the likelihood and hopefully eliminating it from happening again,” Cantor said.
Mental health checks are the great red herring in this whole discussion, and won’t accomplish anything in the way of enhancing public safety. Furthermore, mental health checks are a minor part of Obama’s overall plan.
The most significant part of Obama’s plans is the universal background check. As I have pointed out, universal background checks are the way to develop a national gun registry, a national gun registry (and in fact, all gun control) is the action of a wicked government, and a national gun registry is only a pretext for and necessary prerequisite condition for gun confiscations. Cantor is talking past you in order to hide his real intentions concerning Congressional plans to cave on gun control.
Mr. Cantor, listen very carefully. We all know you want to be President. You are about to do something that will (a) not gain you any leftist votes, and (b) lose you the GOP nomination. If you grease the skids for Obama’s national gun registry plans, you will be a pariah. Oh, you may keep your little post and stay snugly ensconced in the House, but your plans for national prominence will be finished. We gun owners don’t forget. Ever.
Tread carefully.
On June 10, 2014 at 8:49 pm, 191145 said:
Tuesday June 10th 2014, Cantor defeated by Brat in primary ! C YA eric !
On June 10, 2014 at 9:02 pm, Herschel Smith said:
199145. That’s an awesome nom de guerre!
On June 10, 2014 at 9:36 pm, 191145 said:
Thanks, pretty cool eh !