Proud Defenders Of The Second Amendment
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 11 months ago
The “progressive” activist group posted a television commercial to You Tube yesterday featuring a self-proclaimed gun rights proponent warning politicians of electoral consequences if they don’t support more “gun control” laws.
“The six-figure ad buy is running for a week on national cable and will air during the Sunday morning political talk shows,” The Hill reported.
“I’m a gun owner and a proud defender of the Second Amendment, but for years I’ve watched Congress take money from the NRA and then oppose any kind of reform that helps keep us safe,” a man identified in the video as Ohio gun owner Jerry Thompson declares.
“After the Newtown massacre and the NRA’s disgusting response, I’ve had enough, Thompson growls, warning members of Congress if they “take money from the NRA, and then continue to do their bidding, we’re gonna remember that come election time.”
Read the rest at Examiner. Mr. Thompson isn’t a proud defender of the second amendment any more than I’m a defender of It’s the same story with Congressional candidates and Senators who claim that they’re NRA members or hunters. The hair on my neck stands up when I hear a candidate for any office claim that he’s a hunter. There’s nothing wrong with hunting. I’ve done it before. But that has nothing whatsoever to do with the second amendment.
And as for Mr. Thompson, the second amendment pertains to resistance to tyranny. That’s why we know he’s lying. On the one hand he claims to support resistance to tyranny, and on the other wants to impose tyrannical laws.
Consistency isn’t the hobgoblin of little minds. It’s the stuff of life, and when you’re not, you’re irrelevant.
On February 18, 2013 at 10:21 am, Publius said:
Is only dezinformatsiya, comrade. Just a little throwing of dust in the eyes.
Remember, never be surprised when the enemy lies, cheats, and steals. When you have the power of righteousness at your back, all things are permitted to you.
Never, ever fight fair. You can lose a fair fight.