Guns: A Freer, Safer Time
BY Herschel Smith
… the US Rifle M1 caliber .30-06 a gas operated, clip fed, air-cooled semiautomatic shoulder weapon weighing 9.5 lbs. Yes that one, the primary infantry shoulder arm that won WW II.
“Our HIGH SCHOOL armory had 50 of these, two Browning Automatic Rifles, five M1 carbines, two .45 cal. semi auto M1911A1 pistols, and one M3 submachine gun,” he continued. “Similar armories were present at even INNER CITY High Schools like Lindbloom, Marshall, Farragutt and most every school that had a junior ROTC, and there was NEVER a school shooting or any one harmed by the presence of these lethal military weapons.
I want to go back in time and attend this High School. It goes to show that the problem isn’t guns or even access to them. The problem is and always has been evil in the heart of man, and no law, no government program, no social engineering scheme, and no amount of intelligentsia with law degrees and master’s degrees in social work and international studies making rules and regulations for us peasants, will ever change that.
That’s what frustrates the statists so much. They see evil, but they don’t understand it. They cannot control it – they do not understand its origin, or its solution. So they participate in it themselves in an attempt to eradicate it. They want to bring in utopia, but they fail and become what they seek to remedy – evil itself – evil in the onerous rule they force on others. It’s all a problem of world view, and their’s is doomed to failure at the outset.
Read it all at Examiner.
On February 22, 2013 at 3:09 pm, Kalroy said:
we had 1903’s at my high school when I was there in the early to mid-nineties. It’s where I learned to fire a rifle. Then an M-16 and M-60 as part of JROTC also.
On February 24, 2013 at 2:54 pm, TeeJaw said:
South High School across the street from Washington park in gun-unfriendly Denver had a similar arsenal of WW II military weapons for its ROTC in the 1950’s. No gun crimes were ever committed and no injuries, at least not in those days. Now the idea of even having an ROTC program in the Denver Public Schools would be considered insane.
Today there is violence throughout the Denver schools. What is different? Here is one difference that might have made a difference: Back then a super majority of all students of all ethnic backgrounds lived in 2-parent families where at least one parent was steadily employed and the family lived on the income that the parents earned in their employment.
On February 28, 2013 at 8:27 pm, Semper Fi, 0321 said:
Boise High School (Idaho) in 1970 also had a 1919 .30 belt fed and a 60mm mortar, on top of all the M-1’s rifles, carbines and pistols. We also had an indoor shooting range in the basement, under the library. I assume that is now a computer lab, or full of concrete due to the lead content!