Obama Pushes Caitlin Halligan Again
BY Herschel Smith
Good grief! Some people just won’t do the world a favor and disappear. They have to keep bothering us.
Senators on Capitol Hill are telling Gun Owners of America that Harry Reid is twisting arms to get support for one of the most anti-gun judicial nominees in recent memory.
Her name is Caitlin Halligan, and she has a long track record in favor of gun control. In fact, one Senate Republican said that she is the most “anti-Second Amendment nominee Obama has ever put forward.”
As New York’s Solicitor General, Halligan was one of the chief lawyers responsible for New York’s baseless and politically motivated efforts to bankrupt gun manufacturers using frivolous litigation. In so doing, Halligan proved that she places liberal political activism above fealty to the law.
Halligan’s public hatred for firearms was only matched by her zealotry inside the courtroom. In a speech on May 5, 2003, Halligan called for “handgun manufacturers [to be held] liable for criminal acts committed with handguns.”
We have previously seen her handiwork.
Caitlin J. Halligan, who in her tenure as Solicitor General of the State of New York, attempted to hold firearms manufactures and retailers responsible for crimes committed with guns. In 2006, Halligan also filed a brief arguing that handgun manufacturers were guilty of creating a public nuisance. This caused an almost incredulous rejection by the New York Court of Appeals.
“The New York Court of Appeals has never recognized a common-law public nuisance cause of action based on allegations like those in this complaint. Moreover, other jurisdictions have dismissed public nuisance claims against firearms manufacturers on similar or other grounds… In light of the foregoing, we believe it is legally inappropriate, impractical and unrealistic to mandate that defendants undertake, and the courts enforce, unspecified measures urged by plaintiff in order to abate the conceded availability and criminal use of illegal handguns.” (People Of The State Of New York v. Sturm & Ruger Co., 309 A.D.2d 91, 2003).
But we knew this about Halligan. She is a traitor. Actually, we knew this about Obama too. He is a traitor to the constitution of the United States. But we are reminded yet again of his traitorous intentions, and it says more about Obama than it does about Halligan. She is small potatoes. Obama is the traitor in chief.
On March 5, 2013 at 12:48 am, TeeJaw said:
None of this could be happening without the confederacy of fools that the American people have become by making this man their president. He can only do these things that we’ve never seen before because so many Americans have lost their marbles. They didn’t go this far off their rocker for Clinton and I don’t think things could have ever got this warped with any white guy as president. People would never put up with this crap. The talisman of “first Black president” has put America into a spell. When it is finally lifted the cognitive dissonance is going to be dreadful.