Rand Paul’s Filibuster
BY Herschel Smith
After years in the shadows, the administration’s secret drone program burst into very public view Wednesday with lawmakers grilling the attorney general over legal justification for targeted killings and Sen. Rand Paul launching an old-style one-man filibuster to demand answers from President Obama.
The Kentucky Republican held the floor for hours, effectively blocking a vote on the nomination of John O. Brennan, whom Mr. Obama has tapped to be CIA director. He said he would relent only if the administration publicly vowed not to target Americans on U.S. soil.
“This is a long, drawn-out day, but it’s to try to get some answers,” Mr. Paul said after he crossed the eight-hour mark late Wednesday evening. “It’s to try to shame the president into doing the right thing.”
Here’s your answer Senator. Progressives only fake liberalism. They are statists and totalitarians, every one. Scratch a progressive, find a Fascist. They won’t agree to the illegitimacy of killing U.S. citizens because they believe they have the right to kill U.S. citizens. It’s as simple as that.
Rand Paul is a hero, and anyone in the Senate who doesn’t support his effort is a friend of totalitarians.
UPDATE: And Mike Lee and Ted Cruz are heroes as well.
On March 7, 2013 at 12:11 am, douglas said:
Notice the article offers liberal cover by dating it to the bush years?
On March 7, 2013 at 12:14 am, Herschel Smith said:
And it was Obama who killed Aulaqi, a U.S. citizen. We know the truth.
On March 7, 2013 at 11:08 am, Chuck said:
Don’t forget about his 16 yr old US citizen son who was threatening US national security by eating at an outdoor cafe.
On March 7, 2013 at 1:02 pm, jdkchem said:
@Chuck, he was obviously violating moochelles anti-obesity mandate.
There words – Nobel Peace Prize
On March 7, 2013 at 5:10 pm, Chuck said:
Apparently Holder was shamed into stating that summary execution of American citizens via drone on US soil is NOT legal. Go figure!
For having the audacity to stare down the Emperor and his Sith Lord, I’m afraid Sen. Paul’s career may now be cut short via some unfortunate plane crash, car wreck or some other deniable means. Or some engineered scandal. You can bet Zero has his minions desperately digging up any dirt they can find to discredit and humiliate him.
The good Senator made the entire Obama regime blink and made Holder and his master look like fools. There’s no way they will let him get away with this.