More On Firearms Confiscations And The Electrical Grid
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 10 months ago
On January 15 I penned Shock the System: Just one example of how the government could lose a civil conflict.
It was a warning of how patriots could selectively shut down the capitols of states and nations by eliminating the electrical substations and residential transformers that service those cities. Though I stated nothing new either tactically or strategically (power stations were always the first targets of bombers and saboteurs dating back to before World War II), the post absolutely terrified the powers that be.
Hershel Smith at The Captain’s Journal referenced that article in Surviving The Apocalypse: Thinking Strategically Rather Than Tactically three days ago, in a continuation of his thoughts on tactics for “lone wolf”operations in a domestic insurgency.
He referred back to a post he wrote almost two and a half years ago, A Terrorist Attack That America Cannot Absorb, which discussed attacks on the main step-up transformers at coal power plants.
Unlike the residential transformers and smaller substations I discussed in Shock the System that would create short-term, comparatively isolated blackouts, the sort of attack that concerned Smith were well-coordinated attacks that would effectively strike a blow against the entire national grid, by knocking-out the system at the points of generation, taking out very rare pieces of equipment that would take years to replace. If attacks took out even a small number of step-up transformers, it would force the entire nation to ration power, and would have a crippling effect on the national economy.
Some people seem appalled at the fact that the sort of attacks that American forces have used so successfully overseas (Iraq’s electrical grid is still in the process of recovering from two wars) might be used against American cities… and that is the exact point both Smith and I were trying to make. Neither of us are advocates of such attacks, as both of us probably have a better idea than the layman of the effect such attacks would have. I’d likely lose several people I love very much who have medical conditions were such an attack to affect this region. these aren’t things we want. these are things we fear.
Smith and I are pointing out the fact that if states or the federal government is willing to push citizens into a Second Revolutionary War over the natural right to self defense, they will feel the wrath of the right of revolution that is the birthright of ever American.
Read Bob’s entire post. Exactly. I felt the necessity to make a similar point in one comment I made.
This article does not “promote this plan.” This article acknowledges reality. Confiscatory policies for guns will never work in America because gun owners will not relinquish their God-given rights to bear arms. Next logical step. Gun owners will not stand down confiscation teams day after day after day on their dootsteps. They will find another strategy. The one I discussed here is but one – there are many more, all of them painful and involving “pressure points.”
The best way to avoid a scenario like this (or similar scenario) is for the government to return to constitutional government.
Why don’t people go to work on that?
And I emphasize that there are many other pressure points. The electrical grid is only one and the example I happen to choose to make a point. All of this will be far easier for everyone in the long run if the government honors the constitution.
Is that so hard? Perhaps so. Abigail Adams, who is one of my heroes, told John, “Remember all men would be tyrants if they could.”
On March 8, 2013 at 11:34 am, Burk said:
Good to know you are plotting treason and civil war. Thanks!
On March 8, 2013 at 1:13 pm, jj said:
^ Good to know Burk is a no back bone selfish jerkwad willing to stomp on the rights of others so he can “feel safe”. What a clown….What are you afraid of Burk? Why are you so opposed to the values our country was founded on? do tell….
On March 8, 2013 at 4:43 pm, Josh said:
Don’t feed the troll. Let him keep writing about how Apple is going to build robots, read Jung and hand wring over climate change he cannot possibly have an effect on.
On March 8, 2013 at 4:47 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Burk amuses me. Poor Burk. Did you leave here frightened? Don’t be frightened Burk. Turn and worship your totem pole – the state. He will protect you. He loves you. Really he does. He’s watching over you. He will provide for you.
On March 9, 2013 at 9:50 pm, MarineOfficer said:
I agree completely with your conclusion, that government need only return to the constitution. The deeper problem I see is that there are plenty of people (looking at you, Mr. President, and you Mr. AG, and you…you get my point) who believe they are there. They believe what they are doing is constitutional.
In part this arises from the fact that there are plenty of people who hold plenty of diverse opinions on what our constitution allows and does not, means and does not, says and does not. I personally believe that debate in this area is healthy and necessary. We are not a monolithic people, and we should have conversation about what our most important texts mean.
But there needs to be a baseline. I think we all know what Herschel’s is. I differ with him on some points, but I believe they are academic, and us both being gentlemen, we can discuss them in a civil manner. The problem arises when you have governmental “leaders” who hand out edicts on what the constitution allows them to do, such as Holder doing recently in saying “we could kill Americans at home without due process. We just aren’t planning on doing so right now.” Drones and all that is the red herring. The simple assertion that your government can kill you is what matters.
So that brings us to Bob Owens article. I do not believe anybody wants another civil war. War is hell, and never civil. You can prep all you want, one bullet goes stray just a bit, somebody else will be eating your canned beans. They don’t even have to be skilled. They just have to be lucky in that one critical instance. But regardless of that, we must think about it, mentally prepare, and consider the options. We wear our seat belts not because we seek the accident, but because we acknowledge the reality of the stupidity of others who care not for rules of the road, and the safety of other drivers.
I do not carry a gun as a CWP holder because I want to get into a gunfight, but because I know predators abound. We think about how to respond to a tyrannical government not because we want one, but because we know that it is a distinct possibility. Keep holding that light high, Herschel.
On March 10, 2013 at 8:56 am, Herschel Smith said:
Aye, sir.