Colorado And Magpul
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 10 months ago
Isaac Chase of Guns For Everyone sends this along. It’s an online petition to let Colorado Governor Hickenlooper know where you stand on proposed gun legislation.
So here is my inner struggle. My head tells me one thing. I know that I have second amendment brothers and sisters in Colorado who needs our help. Therefore, for my Colorado readers I am letting you know that this petition exists.
But my heart tells me something else. I keep thinking, do it, do it, do it, pass the legislation you pansy-ass liberals. Bring it. Get what you ask for and what you deserve. And let the voters see exactly what they voted for. There is no better teacher than consequences.
Ammoland gives us this.
Erie, Colorado-based Magpul Industries founder Richard Fitzpatrick is making one thing clear: if Democrats in the state house and senate succeed in passing a high capacity magazine ban, Magpul is leaving the state and taking the $85 million it would have generate for Colorado next year with it.
Fitzpatrick’s company has been making magazines for AR-15s since 1999 and is now “one of the country’s largest producers of magazines and other firearms accessories for gun enthusiasts, law enforcement, and the military.”
He says attempts to restrict the size of magazines and add serial numbers to each one will make production costs untenable in Colorado.
Moreover, with state Democrats pressing for a bill to hold gun manufacturers liable for the criminal misuse of “assault weapons,” Fitzpatrick fears that if Magpul remains within the state and a criminal tapes two magazines together to outsmart the ban, Magpul will be held liable.
The good news for Magpul is that Wyoming and Texas are already asking the company to relocate to their states.Some supporters of the bill say, “Magpul is bluffing.” But Fitzpatrick countered, saying, “It’s not really a threat. It’s a promise.”
So now if the Colorado politicians back down, they have let a gun parts manufacturer bully them around. The liberals couldn’t let that happen, could they?
But that’s my heart speaking. My head says fill out the petition. My heart says pass the law and see Magpul run. Run Magpul run, see Magpul run. Hickenlooper sees Magpul run. Everyone sees Magpul run. Bye bye, Magpul.
On March 8, 2013 at 7:41 am, halfdar said:
The head vs the heart. That’s the real thing, isn’t it? It would be great to get it on, get it over with, cause all this waiting is interfering with our sleep.
It is clear where this is going. The destination is by now inevitable. For me the real issue is that leaving it to the left to determine the pacing of events is akin to allowing them to choose the battlefield.
Are we not relinquishing the initiative if they call the tunes? Bit of a paradox, here… if we act, it’s our fault and they can justify the sternest response. If we wait, the divide-and-conquer tactic is permitted full scope.
I keep hoping the antis get overtaken by other events, which are waiting in the wings but taking their time….
On March 8, 2013 at 6:09 pm, jdkchem said:
Being a Colorado resident as well as learning from the last election that the consequences of stupid are nil. I would prefer to see the pansy-ass retarded democraps back down. The fact is these are people who will legislate away negative consequences rather than rethink their ideology. Jeeze all anyone has to do is look at California. There aren’t enough people in Colorado to make the bastards pay. The only option is to fight back and win or pack up and leave.
On March 8, 2013 at 8:54 pm, SDN said:
The last time the Democrats started a Civil War in this country a major factor in their defeat was not having enough arms makers in the areas they controlled. Time for history to repeat.
On March 12, 2013 at 12:48 pm, Mark Matis said:
Actually, SDN, the major factor in their defeat was their intention of taking the moral high ground instead of actually fighting a war as Sherman did. Had the South done the same to the North territory they took, the outcome of the war could have been reversed. Just as with Korea and Viet Nam and Iraq and Afghanistan. We used the Southern strategy in those wars. How did that work?
Compare that to how we fought WW II. And understand that, if civil war comes again to the US, the Feds will use WW II tactics against Mere Citizens who dare to oppose them. After all, one only needs to win the hearts of Commies or Muslims…