Guns, Shame And Obama
BY Herschel Smith
Obama moves to shame Congress into approving gun control.
President Obama moved Thursday to put the muscle of the White House and his network of supporters behind a gun control package tracking toward the Senate floor, calling on voters to pressure Congress into backing it as the proposal runs into resistance on Capitol Hill.
The president, in a set of brief remarks from the White House Thursday surrounded by the mothers of shooting victims, raised concern that the shock from the Newtown elementary school shooting could soon fade.
“Less than 100 days ago that happened. … Shame on us if we’ve forgotten,” Obama said. “I haven’t forgotten those kids. Shame on us if we’ve forgotten.”
Let’s recast that shame in a more truthful light. Shame on you Obama for surrounding yourself with the props of hurting mothers in order to pass your Fascist measures. Shame on you for lying to the gullible American people and claiming that any measure you take would have changed the outcome of a dedicated person bent on doing harm. Shame on you for deceiving the public into thinking that this has anything to do with school shootings.
Shame on you for inferring that any change you make to the laws governing law abiding people has any affect on criminals. Shame on you for pushing measures more suited to communist China (who supports your gun control efforts) than a free America (I can recall such a thing, although many youth today cannot). And finally, shame on you for nurturing a Fascist ideology that would turn our freedoms on their head and focus power in the hands of ruling elites who confiscate not only firearms but wealth too. Shame … shame … shame.
God will soon condemn you, and your empty philosophies of liberation theology and warmed over Fabian Socialism won’t be able to save you on that awful day of judgment.
On March 28, 2013 at 10:25 pm, amr said:
You can’t shame someone who has no shame; be that congress OR Obama.
On March 29, 2013 at 3:12 am, GunRights4US said:
Shame on America for electing the Manchurian Candidate. Shame on every state that continues to suckle at the federal trough. Shame on the electorate for continuing to send people back to CONgress like Feinstein and Schumer
On March 29, 2013 at 3:38 am, The Preemptive Offender said:
Excellently well said.
Obama might not be capable of feeling shame, but he’s extremely sensitive to criticism. It enrages him — and an enraged Obama is an Obama prone to making a serious mistake right out in front of God and everybody. So keep it up!