Over at David’s place he is talking about making an AA-12, and taunting the police about it. Read it at Examiner.
Over at Mike’s place, he is wondering when anyone is going to notice that an awful lot of ammunition is being sold.
You wonder when somebody on the other side besides the analysts in the Three Letters are going to notice. Deep in bowels of the FBI. CIA and DHS, THEY notice and are passing warnings up the chain, or so I am told. But the politicians either don’t believe them or don’t get it.
Over at Kurt’s place he is talking about an awful lot of people unwilling to relinquish their firearms. Matt Bracken weighs in with comment as follows.
Please watch the new 5 minute youtube mini-documentary “Democide: Socialism, Tyranny, Guns and Freedom.” Socialist dictators (and they were often very popular) murdered over 200 million innocent victims in the 20th century. And in every case, they disarmed them first in the name of “public safety.” (Sound familar?) And in every case, they began the process of democide with “commonsense” gun registration. 1. Registration 2. Confiscation 3. Extermination. Ask the Armenians, the Jews or the Russian “kulaks” if they were treated better, or worse, by their oppressors after they were disarmed and helpless. Actually, they were exterminated. As an older, male, Christian “bitter clinger,” I refuse to be an Armenian Jewish Kulak. Molon Labe!
Over at Bob’s place, he has a different take. I’m not smart enough to know which is right. I know which side I’m on, and that’s all I need to know.
Bob is also talking about Colt possibly leaving Connecticut. Maybe they listened to my warning (although my commenter on this article has a strong demurral – with which I’m not smart enough to disagree).
Bob is also (correctly) pointing out that gun control is part of the overall plan, which is people control (which I also point out here). I commented thusly.
When the people demand cradle to grave security and overwatch, the state responds with cradle to grave demand for omniscience for itself and cradle to grave compliance by the people. It’s a deal with the devil for our soul, and America has made it a long time ago.
The demands of totalitarianism are comprehensive. Finally, Western Rifle Shooters tells us that the recent financial crisis in Cyprus is headed here.
Listen folks. The only way I know to tell you the state of affairs is this. Would you stop them with force if they try to take your weapons? If not, they will. Let’s take it to the next level. Would you stop them if they try to take your wealth? If you have no guns, they will. The wealth for which you have worked all of your life will be gone in an instant to try to pay for the trillions of dollars of unfunded liabilities in America, which amounts to more wealth than the world has at its disposal (so not even confiscation of wealth will work to save a failing system).
Finally, would you use force to prevent them from taking your child? As we know, this isn’t far fetched at all. What if one day your wife takes a picture of you and your one year old little boy, or grandson (a truly precious picture for a life’s memory when you grow old), with your boy unclothed and sleeping on your shoulder or chest, your wife releases that photo to some presumed friends, and suddenly you find yourself staring down the barrel of a gun from a SWAT team member supporting a DSS agent who wants to arrest you and take the child to a father who can raise him with proper sensibilities – and talk about his “private parts being private?” What is your threshold? When will you stop them?