Destruction Of Expended Cartridge Brass
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 9 months ago
David Codrea hasn’t let this issue go, and that’s a good thing. Like a bulldog with a bone. First, read his predecessor article. Next, read the followup article. He has a DoD memorandum, and apparently without even going for a FOIA request. At any rate, the Department of Defense claims that they will continue to make expended brass cartridges available for public sale, and then there is this (for me) money quote.
The memorandum includes an “Implementing Guidance” attachment stating “DoD will dispose of ESACC as quickly and effectively as practical, and in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and DoD guidance.”
A PAO developed this response to David, and the memorandum was developed by a JAG. It has legalese all over it. The problem is that this isn’t what the law says. It doesn’t require the DoD to continue to make expended brass available. It requires that no money be spent on its destruction. None.
Furthermore, the bit about compliance with regulations and guidance is obfuscatory pandering. Rehearse for a moment, shall we? Laws are passed by Congress. Regulations are written by armies of lawyers sitting inside the beltway who are tasked with applying the laws. Regulations are not laws. Regulations in fact are challenged, often successfully. Guidance is even farther down the food chain than regulations.
Congress passed a law that requires that no monies be used for destruction of expended brass. What regulations and guidance have to say about the law is irrelevant.
Read it all at Examiner and come to your own conclusions. But here is the final word for me. I don’t want to hear another damn thing about how police in America cannot find ammunition. I don’t care if they ever have another round to carry.
On April 2, 2013 at 12:31 pm, Mark Matis said:
Well said.