The Court Jester, Joe Biden, Weighs In Again On Shotguns And AR-15s
BY Herschel Smith11 years, 9 months ago
“You know, they make fun of my saying about use a shotgun if someone’s invading your home – guess what, use a shotgun someone invading your home and you don’t kill your kids – use an AR-15, it goes through your wall and it can kill your kid in the bedroom.”
Now I point you to Box O’ Truth concerning shotguns and rifles through drywall. I’ll let you read the whole thing, but the bottom line is that rifle rounds and shot penetrate drywall. To be clear, my opinion is that if this had been tissue (or ballistic gelatin), the AR-15 rounds would have begun to fragment because the drag coefficient is so much higher. They are after all frangible rounds and they are designed to do this (except for steel core such as PMC green tip and similar rounds). But if you miss, drywall is no protection regardless of what you’re shooting – handgun, rifle or shotgun.
Know you backstop. Use of a gun anywhere is dangerous, and you must observe the rules of safety. It is a gun. It is dangerous by definition. And for heaven’s sake, don’t listen to the court jester concerning anything.
On April 15, 2013 at 9:36 pm, Justin said:
Agreed. My go-to HD weapon is a 10.5″ AR pistol. It shoots minute of man from 0-200m, and I have few worries about overpenetration vs. other weapons.
For crying out loud Joe, the AR isn’t the Death Star.
If the guy doesn’t want to be laughed at, he should not be so funny.
On April 16, 2013 at 9:55 am, Chuck said:
Most people, especially liberals, get their information from watching TV. On TV, every gun is a death ray: one shot kills are the rule, not the exception.
We know better, which is why we train to engage targets with multiple rounds (controlled pairs, failure drills, etc.) and keep shooting “until the target catches fire or changes shape.”
However, in Joe the Clown’s world his fancy Citori double gun loaded with low-brass skeet loads is all he needs for up to two targets because each shot is so incredibly lethal that it will drop the biggest, meanest, most drugged up goblin, deader than a doornail before he even hits the ground. Yet miraculously, that same high powered instrument of death will not penetrate dry wall. Now that is one amazing piece of ordnance.
On April 16, 2013 at 10:03 am, Herschel Smith said:
TV sucks, especially as a source of information.